Telegram is 'not a safe system,' NATO-backed strategic comms chief warns
Telegram, a top encrypted messaging and social media software, has been compromised by Russia, in accordance to a NATO-backed evaluation. “Telegram is not definitely as it utilised to be,” Janis Sarts, the director of NATO’s Strategic Communications Middle of Excellence in Riga, Latvia, informed the Washington Examiner. “I do have explanations to imagine that there is not complete integrity. ... Surely, I would not see it as a protected platform.” The Russia-primarily based messaging services rocketed to world recognition in 2014 as 1 of the initial applications to give end users the capacity to communicate on an encrypted line. It proved important to Belarusian protesters who denounced President Alexander Lukashenko’s self-declared victory in a 2020 presidential election, but a warning about the application has begun to circulate amid Western officers. “I really don't believe it is really totally risk-free,” he said. “The integrity of that system is under the question, from my perspective.” Sarts hesitated to element the foundation for his doubts about the security of the system, but he confirmed that his concerns utilize to the reliability of the encryption, in addition to the disinformation risks. PUTIN SPEECH IN RUSSIA DELAYED Over AN HOUR Because of TO CYBERATTACK That misgiving appears to keep on a trend of social media businesses headquartered in Russia or China proving vulnerable to authoritarian security companies. Sarts, who cited the outpouring of worldwide assistance for Ukraine on social media as an essential issue for Ukrainian morale in the earliest days of the fight all-around Kyiv, regards the war in Ukraine as evidence that Western democracies need to have to establish “standards” by which to control social media businesses just before Moscow or Beijing gains a new advantage in a potential war. “I'd say there has to be some sort of value judgment prior to they can turn into part of a world market,” he claimed. “For occasion, if in 5 yrs, or 7, 50 % of the social media is Chinese and the U.S. inhabitants is there [on that platform] and there’s a conflict, how then can you make guaranteed that this price set on which a company acts is absolutely free, reasonable cure of facts, the ideal of free of charge speech?” Sarts, a former senior Latvian protection formal, does not communicate for NATO directly. However his strategic communications group is accredited by the safety bloc and advises the alliance on “counternarrative procedures, narrative development, and evaluation,” amid other matters. Telegram co-founder Pavel Durov touted it as his hard work “to establish a usually means of conversation that simply cannot be accessed by the Russian stability companies.” Their prior task, VKontakte, a Russia-centered equivalent to Facebook, was used by Ukrainians to distribute messages to Russian citizens in the earliest times of the war. “And in about two weeks, there was a full manage of that system by Russian agencies,” he reported. If Telegram seems additional open, Sarts cautioned, that may be since it is now the "central focal issue for Russian disinformation." "That is how they circumvent the blocks that the Facebooks, Instagrams, and other folks have designed. So they work through the Telegram groups and use them then to post the content [on] all other social media platforms,” he added. His stop by to Washington virtually coincided with a report that TikTok has failed to stop workers at Beijing-based mostly guardian enterprise ByteDance from accessing the information of American buyers. “Everything is observed in China,” a TikTok worker reported in a person of quite a few interior conferences about the situation, according to Buzzfeed, which obtained recordings of the conversations. Those people documented conversations stoke a suspicion that has simmered among U.S. policymakers relating to China’s skill to exploit TikTok for surveillance of U.S. end users. The enterprise also has been accused of complying with Russia’s ban on "pretend news" about the war — a term defined, for purposes of Russian prosecutors, as encompassing criticism of the Russian military or statements of opposition to the war — when permitting Russian condition media to air professional-war movies. “We are deeply involved that ... TikTok is enabling the distribute of professional-war propaganda to the Russian general public, which pitfalls introducing to an already devastating human toll for both of those Ukrainians and Russians,” Sen. Steve Daines (MT) wrote in a June 17 letter to TikTok signed by five other Senate Republicans. “Additionally, we keep on being anxious that TikTok’s broader disinformation and misinformation policies relevant to the Ukraine war are insufficient, fueling pro-war sentiment among TikTok people residing further than Russia’s borders.”
Telegram is 'not a protected platform,' NATO-backed strategic comms chief warns
Joel Gehrke June 20, 05:15 AM June 20, 05:15 AM
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- JamesEarlJones
- JamesGordonMeek
- jamesmarape
- JamieDimon
- Jan.6
- Jan.6committee
- jan.6protesters
- jan6riot
- JanetYellen
- January6
- January6Commission
- January6Committee
- January6investigation
- january6riot
- Japan
- JaredKushner
- JavierPalomarez
- JayInslee
- JDVance
- JeffBezos
- JeffGerman
- jeffreydahmer
- JeffreyEpstein
- jeffzucker
- jenniferlopez
- JenniferRuthGreen
- JenPsaki
- JensStoltenberg
- JeromePowell
- JerryNadler
- Jerusalem
- JessieHolmes
- Jewish
- jewishpeople
- Jews
- JillBiden
- JimBanks
- JimInhofe
- JimJordan
- JimmyCarter
- jobapprovalrating
- Jobs
- JoeBiden
- JoeBiden2024
- joeellicott
- joeellicottflorida
- joelgreenbergflorida
- JoeManchin
- JoeMusgrove
- joeo
- JoeRogan
- JohnBolton
- JohnCornyn
- JohnDickerson
- JohnDurham
- JohnEastman
- JohnF.Kennedy
- JohnFetterman
- johnfettermanhealth
- johnfettermanstroke
- johnfettermanvsoz
- JohnKennedy
- JohnKirby
- johnmcentee
- JohnnyDepp
- JohnRatcliffe
- JohnScott
- JonathanMiramontes
- JonathanRiccitelli
- JonStewart
- jonstewartapology
- jonstewarttransgender
- jonstewarttransgenderjokes
- jonvoight
- Jordan
- JosephSantana
- joshshapiro
- Jouranlism
- Journalism
- Journalist
- Journalists
- JoyBehar
- JPMorgan
- JPMorganChase
- Judge
- JulianCastro
- Juneteenth
- Justice
- JusticeDepartment
- JustinBieber
- Juvenilehall
- KamalaHarris
- kamalaharrismeetthepress
- KamalHarris
- Kansas
- kansascitychiefs
- kanyeantisemitism
- KanyeWest
- KanyeWestinstagram
- KarenBass
- KarenKhachanov
- KarineJeanPierre
- KathyHochul
- KayleeMcGhee
- KeirStarmer
- KelliWard
- KellyeSoRelle
- KellyTshibaka
- kelseygrammer
- Kennedy
- kenosha
- KenPaxton
- Kentucky
- KetanjiBrownJackson
- KevinKiley
- KevinMcCarthy
- KevinSpacey
- KevinStitt
- KeyWest
- Kherson
- kidnapping
- kidnappinghoax
- Kidnappinngattempt
- killed
- killer
- KimFoxx
- KimJongUn
- KimKardashian
- kingcharles
- KingCharlesIII
- kingofpop
- KobeBryant
- KristiNoem
- ksm
- Kuwait
- KyleRittenhouse
- KyrstenSinema
- Labor
- LaborDay2022
- labordaymovies
- Laborunions
- LabourLeader
- lackedcandor
- LarryFink
- LarryHogan
- LarryKrasner
- LarryNassar
- LAschools
- LasVegas
- LasVegasReviewJournal
- LasVegasshooting
- LatenightTV
- LatestHeadlines
- LatinAmerica
- Latinos
- latinovoters
- LaToyaCantrell
- LauraIngraham
- LaurenBoebert
- laurenhitt
- Law
- LawEnforcement
- lawsuit
- Lawyer
- lawyers
- Leak
- LeakedAudio
- learningloss
- LeBronJames
- LeeZeldin
- Legal
- Legislation
- Legislature
- lesbian
- let
- LetitiaJames
- letter
- lettuce
- lgbthistory
- lgbthistorymonth
- lgbtq
- lgbtqmonth
- lgbtqtag
- libel
- Life
- LifeBelowZero
- LindseyGraham
- lindseygrahamtrump
- linetoviewqueenelizabeth
- listen
- listofaccomplishments
- LIVGolf
- LizCheney
- liztruss
- LizTrussresigns
- LloydAustin
- Lobbying
- Local
- localgovernmentelections
- London
- LoriLightfoot
- LosAngeles
- LosAngelesRams
- LosAngelesUnifiedSchoolDistrict
- Lottery
- LoudermilkYoungDebateSeries
- Louisiana
- LuciaBaezGeller
- Ludacris
- Lugansk
- LuizInacioLuladaSilva
- lyman
- lymanmassgraves
- MadisonCawthorn
- Mafia
- maga
- MagazineBusiness
- MagazineLeadStories
- MagazineSpecialSection
- MagazineWashingtonBriefing
- MagazineYourLand
- MaggieHaberman
- MaggieHassan
- MagnusCarlsen
- Maine
- majoritywhip
- Malware
- manarrestedatnatsstadium
- manchinschumerdeal
- Mandate
- MandelaBarnes
- Manhattan
- Manufacturing
- Maps
- MaraLago
- MaraLagodocuments
- maralagoraid
- marcelias
- MarcoRubio
- MargaretThatcher
- MarieNewman
- Marijuana
- marijuanalegalization
- MarineCorps
- MarineLePen
- Marines
- MarjorieTaylorGreene
- Markets
- MarkFrerichs
- MarkKelly
- MarkMeadows
- MarkZuckerberg
- Mars
- MarshaBlackburn
- Martha
- MartialLaw
- Maryland
- MaryPeltola
- Massachusetts
- massachusettsdrought
- massachusettsprimary
- Massacre
- MassShootings
- Mastercard
- mattaraiza
- MattGaetz
- matthewmiller
- maverick
- MaverickCarter
- MaxRose
- Mayor
- MayoralElection
- mayorbowser
- mayraflores
- McDonalds
- McGirtvs.Oklahoma
- McKennaBrown
- mcps
- measures
- Media
- Medicaid
- MedicaidExpansion
- Medicare
- medicine
- MeetthePress
- megadonors
- MegynKelly
- mehmetoz
- MeiXiang
- MelaniaTrump
- Memphis
- MentalHealth
- Mercenaries
- MercyChefs
- MergersandAcquisitions
- MerrickGarland
- meta
- Metrocrowding
- Metrocustomersatisfaction
- MetropolitanPoliceDepartment
- MetrorailSafetyCommission
- Mexicanborder
- mexico
- mexicosouthernborder
- Miami
- MiamiDolphins
- miamischools
- MichaelBennet
- MichaelBloomberg
- MichaelCohen
- MichaelFlynn
- MichaelHayden
- michaeljackson
- MichaelPalacios
- MichaelParedes
- MichaelReardon
- Michigan
- michiganwolverines
- mickeymantle
- Microsoft
- MiddleClass
- middleclasstaxrefund
- middleeast
- middleeastrelations
- midterm
- midtermelection
- MidtermElections
- Midtermelections2022
- midtermissues
- MidtermMemo
- midterms
- Midterms2022
- MightyDream
- migrantbus
- migrantbusdc
- migrantbuses
- migrantchildren
- Migrantcrisis
- Migrants
- Migrantshelters
- MiguelCardona
- MikeDewine
- mikehart
- MikeLee
- mikelindell
- MikePence
- MikePompeo
- Military
- MilitaryAid
- militaryrecord
- MiloĐukanović
- Milton
- Milwaukee
- Minneapolis
- Minnesota
- misogynistic
- Missile
- MissingPerson
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- MitchMcConnell
- MohammedbinSalman
- Moldova
- mondaynightfootball
- MonetaryPolicy
- money
- moneylaundering
- MoneyWatch
- Monkeypox
- Montenegro
- montgomerycounty
- montgomerycountypublicschools
- monthlycash
- monthlypayments
- Moon
- moonmission
- Moscow
- MostWanted
- moviedeals
- Movies
- mRNAvaccine
- murder
- MurielBowser
- Music
- musiccharts
- musiccontest
- Mutombotumor
- mypillow
- mystery
- Namibia
- NancyPelosi
- NancyReagan
- naomijudd
- naomijuddautopsy
- naomijuddgunshot
- naomijuddsuicide
- Naples
- narcotics
- NarcyNovack
- NASAlaunch
- NASAsatellite
- Nashville
- NateSilver
- NationalArchives
- nationalcinemaday
- NationalDebt
- NationalEducationAssociation
- NationalFootballLeague
- NationalFootballLeaguePlayersAssociation
- NationalIncidentBasedReportingSystem
- NationalParks
- NationalParkService
- NationalSecurity
- NationalSecurityCouncil
- nationalspark
- nationalsstadium
- NationalWeatherService
- NativeAmericans
- Nato
- Naturaldisasters
- NaturalGas
- Nature
- Navy
- Nazis
- ndtv
- Nebraska
- negotiations
- NellieGorbea
- neoNazi
- Netflix
- neuroscience
- neurotrauma
- Nevada
- newday
- NewGingrich
- NewHampshire
- newhampshiremidterms
- newhampshireprimaries
- NewHampshireprimary
- NewHampshireSenaterace
- newhampshirevoterissues
- NewMexico
- NewOrleans
- News
- newsmax
- Newsom
- NewYork
- NewYorkAttorneyGeneral
- NewYorkCity
- NewYorkDistrictCourtJudgeKevinCastel
- newyorkgoogleantitrust
- NewYorkprimaries
- NewYorkTimes
- NewYorkYankees
- NewZealand
- nflataxia
- nflbraininjury
- NFLconcussionprotocol
- nfltuatagovailoa
- Nicaragua
- NicholasBrutcher
- nickandhannahnatale
- NickKyrgios
- NicolasMaduro
- nicotine
- Nigeria
- NikkiHaley
- Nikola
- NobelPeacePrize
- Nominations
- nonbinary
- noncitizens
- Norfolk
- NormanShapiro
- NorthCarolina
- NorthCarolinaSenaterace
- NorthDakota
- NorthKorea
- NorthKoreanucleartest
- Norway
- NuclearArmageddon
- NuclearPower
- nuclearwar
- NuclearWeapons
- NuryMartinez
- nypolice
- nytattooboy
- nytattoocrime
- OaklandCountySheriff’sOffice
- OathKeepers
- Obama
- obamaofficial
- Obituaries
- October
- Octobersurprise
- Ohio
- OhioBoardofEducation
- OhioHouse
- ohiosenaterace
- ohiosenateracepolling
- oil
- Oklahoma
- Oklahoma2022
- OklahomaDistrictAttorneySteveKunzweiler
- Oklahomav.CastroHuerta
- OksanaMarkarova
- OldDominion
- olegderipaska
- Olympics
- ontheballot
- Opinion
- OpioidAbuse
- opioidcrisis
- Oregon
- oregon2022
- oregoncrime
- oregonducks
- oregongovernor
- oregonprotests
- organdonation
- Oscars
- OurDemocracy
- OuterSpace
- outofstateabortion
- overseasjobs
- oz
- P.Diddy
- Pacific
- PacificOcean
- PACs
- paidhumansource
- Palestine
- PalestinianAuthority
- PalmBeach
- palmpayment
- pandemic
- pansolo
- papuanewguinea
- paramountplus
- Pardon
- Pardons
- Parenting
- Paris
- ParisAttack
- Parisclimateagreement
- partialmobilization
- Party
- Passports
- passwords
- PatrickLeahy
- patrickmahomes
- PatrickMorrisey
- PatToomey
- paulaoverby
- PaulManafort
- paulwhelan
- Pay
- Payment
- payments
- PayPal
- Peace
- pedestrian
- pelosidaughter
- Pennsylvania
- PennsylvaniaHouse
- pennsylvaniasenate
- PennsylvaniaSenaterace
- Pentagon
- people
- periodofmourning
- personality
- petearredondo
- PeteButtigieg
- PeterNavarro
- PeterThiel
- Pets
- Pfizer
- PGATour
- PharmaceuticalIndustry
- Pharmacydesert
- PharrellWilliams
- Philadelphia
- Philippines
- physics
- pieperlewis
- PikeCountyshootings
- pills
- PlaneCrashes
- PlannedParenthood
- Playoffs
- Police
- Policeevent
- policeshootingresponse
- Policy
- polio
- politicalactioncommittee
- PoliticalPolarization
- Politics
- poll
- Polling
- Polls
- PopCulture
- PopeFrancis
- poppyharlow
- porn
- Pornhub
- Pornography
- Portland
- PostalService
- pot
- Poverty
- PramilaJayapal
- Pregnancy
- President
- presidenttrump
- PressFreedom
- price
- Prices
- prideparade
- Primaries
- primaryelections
- primaryresults
- primeminister
- PrimeMinisterLizTruss
- primeministerresigns
- Prison
- prisoners
- prisonerswap
- Prisons
- Privacy
- privatesecurity
- prize
- prochoice
- progressive
- Progressivism
- ProIsrael
- ProLife
- Pronoun
- Proposition31
- Protester
- protesters
- Protests
- PublicBroadcasting
- PublicHealth
- PublicSchools
- PublicTransportation
- publishingindustry
- PuertoRico
- PuffDaddy
- pulitzer
- punting
- Putin
- puttputt
- QassemSoleimani
- Qatar
- queencoffin
- QueenElizabeth
- QueenElizabethcrown
- queenelizabethdeath
- queenelizabethfuneral
- QueenElizabethII
- QueenElizabethIIdeath
- QueenPlatinumJubilee
- Race
- RaceandDiversity
- Racism
- racistlanguage
- Radio
- RafaelWarnock
- raid
- Railroads
- RandPaul
- rankedchoice
- rankedchoicevoting
- ransomware
- Rape
- RaphaelWarnock
- RashidaTlaib
- rate
- Razor
- Reagan
- RealClearPolitics
- RealEstate
- RealTime
- RealTimewithBillMaher
- rebatecheck
- recall
- Recalls
- RecepTayyipErdogan
- Recession
- reconnaissance
- RedBull
- Redistricting
- Reelection
- referendum
- Refugee
- Refugees
- regimechange
- Regulation
- regulations
- Relief
- Religion
- religioninamerica
- religiousaccomodations
- reparations
- RepealVCEA
- RepealVirginiaCleanEconomyAct
- Report
- Reporter
- Republican
- RepublicanNationalConvention
- RepublicanParty
- Republicanprimary
- Republicans
- RepublicofChina
- Rescuemission
- research
- reshoring
- Resignation
- Restaurants
- retirement
- Rhetoric
- RhodeIsland
- rhodeislandprimary
- Rhodenfamily
- RichardHudson
- RickCaruso
- RickScott
- ride
- rightwing
- Rihanna
- riot
- Riots
- rishisunak
- robbelemenetaryschool
- RobertMueller
- RobertTelles
- Robots
- robportman
- Roev.Wade
- RogerFederer
- RogerStone
- RonaldCoen
- RonaldReagan
- RonDeSantis
- RonJohnson
- RonKlain
- royalfuneral
- RoyalGuard
- Royals
- RudyGiuliani
- rudygiulianitrump
- rudysalas
- rudytrumpjan6
- Rules
- RuralAmerica
- Ruralpharmacies
- Russia
- Russiagas
- russiagate
- Russiainvestigation
- russiamilitaryrangeshooting
- russiandefenseministry
- Russiandissidents
- RussianEmbassy
- russiangas
- Russianmilitary
- RussianMixedMartialArtschampion
- Russianprisoner
- RussianPropaganda
- RussianSeparatist
- Russianseparatists
- russianuclear
- Russiaoil
- Russiasanctions
- russiaukraine
- ryansalame
- salem
- salmanrushdie
- salmanrushdiestabbing
- SameSexMarriage
- Sanctions
- sandersonsisters
- SanDiego
- sandiegopadres
- sandiegostateuniversity
- SanFrancisco
- sanfrancisco49ers
- sanjosestateCamdanMcWright
- SanJoseStateUniversity
- SannaMarin
- SantiagoSosa
- SarahPalin
- satelliteinternet
- Satellites
- SaturdayNightLive
- SaudiArabia
- Scandals
- school
- SchoolChoice
- Schools
- SchoolShooting
- SchoolShootings
- Schoolshutdowns
- schumermoneyelection
- Science
- ScienceandTechnology
- scoobydoo
- Scotland
- ScottBudnick
- SeanCasten
- SeanCombs
- SeanSpicer
- searchandseizure
- Seattle
- sebastiangorka
- SecondAmendment
- secondcase
- SecretaryofState
- SecretService
- security
- segregatedhockeyleague
- Semiconductor
- semifascist
- seminolecounty
- Senate
- SenateDemocrats
- SenateForeignRelationsCommittee
- Senaterace
- SenateRepublicans
- senator
- Seniors
- Sept.11
- September11
- september11survivor
- septembersocialsecurity
- septembersocialsecuritypayment
- SergeiShoigu
- SergeyLavrov
- serialkiller
- Settlements
- SevereWeather
- sextrafficking
- SexualAbuseAllegations
- SexualAssault
- SexualHarassment
- Shark
- shelter
- sheriff
- sherripapini
- sherripapinihoax
- ShinzoAbe
- shooting
- Shopping
- ShorensteinCenter
- Shorts
- SidneyPowell
- SiliconValley
- simulation
- sinema
- Singapore
- Slaveryontheballot
- Sloviansk
- smear
- Snapchat
- Soccer
- SocialMedia
- SocialSecurity
- socialsecuritycheck
- socialsecurityincome
- socialsecurityincrease
- socialsecurityincrease2022
- socialsecurityincrease2023
- socialsecuritypayment
- socialsecuritypayments
- socialsecuritypaymentschedule
- software
- SolarEnergy
- Somalia
- SouthAmerica
- SouthCarolina
- southcarolina700rebate
- southcarolinataxrebates
- SouthDakota
- SouthernBaptistConvention
- SouthKorea
- SouthwestAirlines
- Space
- SpaceExploration
- SpaceForce
- spacetravel
- SpaceX
- Spam
- spambots
- SpeakeroftheHouse
- specialagent
- specialcounsel
- specialelection
- SpecialMaster
- specialmasternominees
- specialmasters
- Speculate
- Split5050
- Sports
- sportsmemorabilia
- Spotify
- SriLanka
- St.Louis
- stabbing
- StaceyAbrams
- staceyabramslawsuit
- Standup
- StanleyMcFadden
- star
- Starbucks
- Starlink
- stars
- StarTrek
- StarWars
- StateCourts
- StateDepartment
- StateLegislatures
- StateofEmergency
- States
- statesupremecourts
- StayConnectednewsletter
- steeledossier
- StenyHoyer
- StephenColbert
- StephenKing
- SteveBannon
- SteveKunzweiler
- stevenA.Sund
- StevenFriend
- stimmy
- Stimulus
- stimulus2022
- stimuluscheck
- stimuluscheck2022
- stimuluscheckdirectpayment
- stimuluschecknew
- stimuluscheckpayment
- stimuluscheckupdate
- stimulusupdate
- stimulusupdate2022
- stockmarket
- StocktonPoliceDepartment
- Stocktrading
- strategicpetroleumreserve
- strawpoll
- Strelkov
- Strike
- strikes
- stroke
- studentdebt
- StudentLoans
- Students
- studentsnonbinary
- Studies
- Subpoena
- subpoenatrump
- SuffolkCounty
- SuffolkPoliceDepartment
- Suicide
- suing
- summit
- sunnyhostin
- Superbowl
- SuperbowlLVII
- SuperPAC
- SuperPACs
- Supplychain
- SupremeCourt
- supremecourtabortion
- Surgery
- Surveillance
- survey
- SusanCollins
- susanwild
- swatted
- Sweden
- switzerland
- Syria
- SyrianDefenseForces
- tailgate
- tailgating
- taiwan
- takethedressesoff
- Taliban
- TampaBay
- TampaBayBuccaneers
- tampons
- Tape
- tattoo
- tax
- taxcredit
- TaxCredits
- Taxes
- taxfraud
- Taxpayers
- TaxRebate
- taxrebatecheck
- taxrebates
- TaxReform
- TaylorSwift
- tbifootball
- Teacher
- Teachers
- teaxsgovernorrace
- Technology
- TedBudd
- TedCruz
- teenagers
- television
- Tennessee
- Tennis
- Terrorism
- terroristattack
- Terroristattacks
- tesla
- testify
- Testimony
- testimonytrump
- Texas
- texasantitrust
- texasdps
- texasgoogle
- texasgoogleantitrust
- Texasgovernor
- texasrangers
- thailand
- thanksgiving
- thanksgivingdinner
- TheAtlantic
- thebroadwayavenuellc
- TheClubhouseatAquiaHarbour
- TheCrossConnection
- TheDividerTrumpintheWhiteHouse
- theeveningedit
- TheProblemwithJonStewart
- thequeue
- therock
- therockpresident
- TheShop
- TheView
- ThinkTanks
- ThirdParty
- ThirteenthAmendment
- ThomasLane
- Threat
- thriller
- TiffanyCross
- TikTok
- TimCarney
- TimRyan
- TimScott
- TimTebow
- TitleIX
- tobacco
- ToddBowles
- ToddGilbert
- TomBrady
- tombradykick
- TomCruise
- tomemberton
- TomFitton
- TomHanks
- TommyTuberville
- TonyEvers
- topgrossingfilm
- TopGun
- topgunmaverick
- ToriRichards
- Tourism
- TouThao
- TradePolicy
- Traffic
- tragedy
- trains
- Transgender
- TransgenderIssues
- transgenderjokes
- transmission
- Transparency
- Transportation
- traumaticbraininjury
- Travel
- Treasury
- TreasuryDepartment
- TribalSovereignty
- troops
- TropicalStormIan
- troyaikman
- trump
- trump2020
- trump2024
- Trumpadministration
- Trumpcampaign
- trumpcapitolriot
- trumpcfo
- trumpcleared
- trumpcomeback
- trumpcommentselainechao
- trumpdc
- trumpdocuments
- trumpdocumentsriot
- trumpdoj
- trumpfbi
- TrumpFoundation
- TrumpHotel
- Trumpies
- trumpindicted
- trumpindictment
- trumpinvestigation
- trumpinvestigations
- trumplawsuit
- TrumpOrganization
- Trumpproperties
- trumpraid
- trumprepublicans
- trumprudypardon
- trumprussiainvestigation
- Trumpsign
- trumpspecialmaster
- TrumpWorld
- truthsocial
- tuaconcussion
- TuaTagovailoa
- TuckerCarlson
- TudorDixon
- Tuesdayprimaryelection
- TulsaCounty
- TulsiGabbard
- Tupleo
- Turkey
- TV
- twitterbots
- twostatesolution
- typhoonmerbok
- U.K.
- U.N.
- U.N.GeneralAssembly
- U.S.CapitolBuilding
- U.S.Embassy
- U.S.military
- U.S.Open
- U.S.Turkeyrelations
- uber
- UK
- ukblackouts
- ukenergy
- ukflashlights
- ukgenerators
- ukgloves
- UKprimeminister
- Ukraine
- ukraineaid
- ukrainerussia
- ukrainewar
- Ukrainian
- Ukrainianrefugees
- ukwinterenergy
- UltraMAGA
- unaccompaniedminors
- Uncategorized
- Unemployment
- UNGeneralAssembly
- union
- Unions
- UnitedArabEmirates
- UnitedKingdom
- UnitedNations
- unitednationsgeneralassembly
- UnitedNationsSecurityCouncil
- UnitedStates
- unitedstatesspecialrelationship
- UniversalBasicIncome
- University
- universityofgeorgia
- universityofoklahoma
- UniversityofTexas
- unsealedwarrant
- unvaccinatedathletes
- USaidtoUkraine
- USATodayIpsosnbsppoll
- usmexicoborder
- usrussia
- Utah
- uvalde
- uvaldepolice
- uvaldeschooldistrict
- UvaldeSchoolShooting
- VA
- Vacation
- Vaccination
- vaccine
- ValDemings
- VancouverPride
- Vandalism
- Vatican
- velma
- velmalesbian
- Venezuela
- venmo
- Vermont
- Veterans
- VeteransAffairs
- vicentegonzalez
- VicePresident
- VictorFaust
- Victoria
- Video
- videofootage
- Videos
- Vienna
- ViktorOrban
- VinceDooley
- Viral
- viralmenu
- Virginia
- VirginiaBeach
- VirginiaCleanEconomyAct
- Virginiafarm
- VirginiaTech
- visa
- VladimirMineev
- VladimirPutin
- VolodymyrZelensky
- VolusiaCountyBranchJail
- VoterFraud
- voterissues
- voterregistration
- Voting
- votinglaws
- VotingMachines
- Votingrights
- W.JamesAntleIII
- wagecontributions
- Wages
- Wagnerfamily
- WagnerGrouop
- WalledLake
- WalledLakePoliceDepartment
- WallStreet
- Walmart
- WaltDisneyWorld
- WalterShorensteinMediaandDemocracyFellow
- War
- WarCrimes
- WarinAfghanistan
- WarinUkraine
- warnock
- WaronDrugs
- WarrenBuffet
- Washington
- WashingtonCommanders
- WashingtonD.C.
- WashingtonExaminer
- WashingtonMetropolitanAreaTransitAuthority
- WashingtonNationals
- washingtonpost
- Watergate
- WaterPollution
- waukesha
- WaukeshaChristmasParade
- waveofthehand
- Wealth
- weaponizedDOJ
- Weapons
- Weather
- wedding
- WellsFargo
- WesleyBrownlee
- WestBank
- WestHollywood
- WestJerusalem
- WestVirginia
- whenisnextstimuluscheck
- whereismymoney
- whereismysocialsecuritycheck
- whereismysocialsecuritypayment
- whereismystimuluscheck
- whereismystimuluscheckpayment
- whereismytaxcredit
- Whistleblower
- WhiteHouse
- WhiteHouseofficials
- whitelivesmatter
- Whitesupremacists
- WhoopiGoldberg
- wildcardgame
- Wildfire
- WilliamBarr
- WillSmith
- Wimbledon
- Wisconsin
- Wisconsinsenaterace
- wisconsinvoters
- woke
- Wokeculture
- wokepolitics
- WokerinChief
- Women
- Workers
- World
- WorldHealthOrganization
- WorldWarII
- worsethansmallpox
- wuhanchina
- WuhanLab
- Wyoming
- XavierBecerra
- XiaoQiJi
- XiJinping
- YairLapid
- Ye
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