Check with Amy: My coworker makes disgusting noises, and our manager just cannot make her stop

Check with Amy: My coworker makes disgusting noises, and our manager just cannot make her stop [ad_1]

Pricey Amy: I work closely with a coworker who consistently snorts, coughs, belches and hacks like a cat coughing up a hairball.

Amy Dickinson
Amy Dickinson 

This goes on all day, every day.

I know she has allergies, as well as asthma.

She forces her belches, never ever handles her mouth, and coughs phlegm into a tissue devoid of washing her hands.

We are nurses, and her people listen to her. She also does this even though managing patients in their rooms.

Her appears have become so intolerable that I check out to stay away from functioning with her.




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