Democrat Josh Shapiro rolled out yet another slate of endorsements from Republicans in his Pennsylvania gubernatorial bid as he seeks to court GOP and impartial voters dissatisfied with the race's Republican nominee. Shapiro is competing against point out Sen. Doug Mastriano, who critics say is far too intense to acquire the mainstream Republican assist he would will need in purchase to be effective in November’s common election. FETTERMAN TO Surface WITH BIDEN AT PITTSBURGH LABOR Working day PARADE Shapiro, who as a state lawmaker cultivated a name of getting a centrist, has emphasized lessen taxes, the financial system, and public basic safety in his appeals to more conservative voters. “I am proud to get the endorsement of these Republican leaders who are putting our Commonwealth forward of partisan politics in buy to arrive with each other and shift Pennsylvania forward,” he said in a statement. “From cutting taxes and acquiring our economy shifting once more, to strengthening our faculties and holding our communities safe and sound, I know we can do the job jointly to get factors carried out for Pennsylvania. I have usually labored to bring Republicans and Democrats alongside one another — and which is precisely what I will continue on to do in this marketing campaign and as Governor.” Shapiro, Pennsylvania’s attorney normal, rolled out a different slate of endorsements from Republicans in July that incorporated previous Reps. Charlie Dent and Jim Greenwood. The new additions contain Michael Chertoff, the previous U.S. secretary of homeland security beneath then-President George W. Bush, as effectively as previous point out lawmakers. “Right now, we all have a responsibility to help candidates of whichever social gathering who will stand up and protect our democracy,” Chertoff said. “Although I am a extensive-standing Republican, I am deeply troubled by Doug Mastriano’s embrace of hazardous extremism. Josh Shapiro, on the other hand, is a staunch defender of our democratic institutions and will guide Pennsylvania with honor and integrity. I am proud to assistance his campaign for Governor.” The other Republicans from the commonwealth who endorsed Shapiro this week include things like Mario Civera, a former condition agent David Heckler, previous Bucks County district attorney and both a former condition senator and agent and previous point out Reps. Raymond Bunt Jr., Jim Kelly, Beverly Mackereth, and J. Scot Chadwick. Mastriano won Pennsylvania’s Republican gubernatorial nomination in Might in spite of a final-ditch energy by some point out Republicans to coalesce close to a various applicant they felt would fare far better in opposition to Shapiro. Controversy bordering the applicant led some Republicans to break ranks with their party to assistance his rival. An avid supporter of Donald Trump, Mastriano was endorsed by the previous president just times just before the major. Mastriano backed Trump’s baseless statements that the 2020 election was stolen. He also attended a QAnon-linked function in Gettysburg and the Washington, D.C., rally that took location prior to the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, using marketing campaign funds for buses to get supporters to Washington that working day. Mastriano also often blocks media from his campaign situations. Reuters very last 7 days printed a image of Mastriano posing in a Accomplice uniform for a 2013-14 faculty photo at the Military War School. The school members ended up reportedly given the chance to dress in historical attire for the photo. The Military War University explained to the outlet it eradicated the picture from its facility due to the fact it “does not satisfy AWC values.” Mastriano did not comment for the report. Just after Mastriano secured his party’s nomination, nonpartisan election analysts changed the race’s ranking from "toss-up" to "leans Democrat."
Democrat Josh Shapiro woos GOP voters with slate of Republican endorsements
Democrat Josh Shapiro woos GOP voters with slate of Republican endorsements
Kate Scanlon August 30, 06:00 AM August 30, 06:00 AM
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- jewishpeople
- Jews
- JillBiden
- JimBanks
- JimInhofe
- JimJordan
- JimmyCarter
- jobapprovalrating
- Jobs
- JoeBiden
- JoeBiden2024
- joeellicott
- joeellicottflorida
- joelgreenbergflorida
- JoeManchin
- JoeMusgrove
- joeo
- JoeRogan
- JohnBolton
- JohnCornyn
- JohnDickerson
- JohnDurham
- JohnEastman
- JohnF.Kennedy
- JohnFetterman
- johnfettermanhealth
- johnfettermanstroke
- johnfettermanvsoz
- JohnKennedy
- JohnKirby
- johnmcentee
- JohnnyDepp
- JohnRatcliffe
- JohnScott
- JonathanMiramontes
- JonathanRiccitelli
- JonStewart
- jonstewartapology
- jonstewarttransgender
- jonstewarttransgenderjokes
- jonvoight
- Jordan
- JosephSantana
- joshshapiro
- Jouranlism
- Journalism
- Journalist
- Journalists
- JoyBehar
- JPMorgan
- JPMorganChase
- Judge
- JulianCastro
- Juneteenth
- Justice
- JusticeDepartment
- JustinBieber
- Juvenilehall
- KamalaHarris
- kamalaharrismeetthepress
- KamalHarris
- Kansas
- kansascitychiefs
- kanyeantisemitism
- KanyeWest
- KanyeWestinstagram
- KarenBass
- KarenKhachanov
- KarineJeanPierre
- KathyHochul
- KayleeMcGhee
- KeirStarmer
- KelliWard
- KellyeSoRelle
- KellyTshibaka
- kelseygrammer
- Kennedy
- kenosha
- KenPaxton
- Kentucky
- KetanjiBrownJackson
- KevinKiley
- KevinMcCarthy
- KevinSpacey
- KevinStitt
- KeyWest
- Kherson
- kidnapping
- kidnappinghoax
- Kidnappinngattempt
- killed
- killer
- KimFoxx
- KimJongUn
- KimKardashian
- kingcharles
- KingCharlesIII
- kingofpop
- KobeBryant
- KristiNoem
- ksm
- Kuwait
- KyleRittenhouse
- KyrstenSinema
- Labor
- LaborDay2022
- labordaymovies
- Laborunions
- LabourLeader
- lackedcandor
- LarryFink
- LarryHogan
- LarryKrasner
- LarryNassar
- LAschools
- LasVegas
- LasVegasReviewJournal
- LasVegasshooting
- LatenightTV
- LatestHeadlines
- LatinAmerica
- Latinos
- latinovoters
- LaToyaCantrell
- LauraIngraham
- LaurenBoebert
- laurenhitt
- Law
- LawEnforcement
- lawsuit
- Lawyer
- lawyers
- Leak
- LeakedAudio
- learningloss
- LeBronJames
- LeeZeldin
- Legal
- Legislation
- Legislature
- lesbian
- let
- LetitiaJames
- letter
- lettuce
- lgbthistory
- lgbthistorymonth
- lgbtq
- lgbtqmonth
- lgbtqtag
- libel
- Life
- LifeBelowZero
- LindseyGraham
- lindseygrahamtrump
- linetoviewqueenelizabeth
- listen
- listofaccomplishments
- LIVGolf
- LizCheney
- liztruss
- LizTrussresigns
- LloydAustin
- Lobbying
- Local
- localgovernmentelections
- London
- LoriLightfoot
- LosAngeles
- LosAngelesRams
- LosAngelesUnifiedSchoolDistrict
- Lottery
- LoudermilkYoungDebateSeries
- Louisiana
- LuciaBaezGeller
- Ludacris
- Lugansk
- LuizInacioLuladaSilva
- lyman
- lymanmassgraves
- MadisonCawthorn
- Mafia
- maga
- MagazineBusiness
- MagazineLeadStories
- MagazineSpecialSection
- MagazineWashingtonBriefing
- MagazineYourLand
- MaggieHaberman
- MaggieHassan
- MagnusCarlsen
- Maine
- majoritywhip
- Malware
- manarrestedatnatsstadium
- manchinschumerdeal
- Mandate
- MandelaBarnes
- Manhattan
- Manufacturing
- Maps
- MaraLago
- MaraLagodocuments
- maralagoraid
- marcelias
- MarcoRubio
- MargaretThatcher
- MarieNewman
- Marijuana
- marijuanalegalization
- MarineCorps
- MarineLePen
- Marines
- MarjorieTaylorGreene
- Markets
- MarkFrerichs
- MarkKelly
- MarkMeadows
- MarkZuckerberg
- Mars
- MarshaBlackburn
- Martha
- MartialLaw
- Maryland
- MaryPeltola
- Massachusetts
- massachusettsdrought
- massachusettsprimary
- Massacre
- MassShootings
- Mastercard
- mattaraiza
- MattGaetz
- matthewmiller
- maverick
- MaverickCarter
- MaxRose
- Mayor
- MayoralElection
- mayorbowser
- mayraflores
- McDonalds
- McGirtvs.Oklahoma
- McKennaBrown
- mcps
- measures
- Media
- Medicaid
- MedicaidExpansion
- Medicare
- medicine
- MeetthePress
- megadonors
- MegynKelly
- mehmetoz
- MeiXiang
- MelaniaTrump
- Memphis
- MentalHealth
- Mercenaries
- MercyChefs
- MergersandAcquisitions
- MerrickGarland
- meta
- Metrocrowding
- Metrocustomersatisfaction
- MetropolitanPoliceDepartment
- MetrorailSafetyCommission
- Mexicanborder
- mexico
- mexicosouthernborder
- Miami
- MiamiDolphins
- miamischools
- MichaelBennet
- MichaelBloomberg
- MichaelCohen
- MichaelFlynn
- MichaelHayden
- michaeljackson
- MichaelPalacios
- MichaelParedes
- MichaelReardon
- Michigan
- michiganwolverines
- mickeymantle
- Microsoft
- MiddleClass
- middleclasstaxrefund
- middleeast
- middleeastrelations
- midterm
- midtermelection
- MidtermElections
- Midtermelections2022
- midtermissues
- MidtermMemo
- midterms
- Midterms2022
- MightyDream
- migrantbus
- migrantbusdc
- migrantbuses
- migrantchildren
- Migrantcrisis
- Migrants
- Migrantshelters
- MiguelCardona
- MikeDewine
- mikehart
- MikeLee
- mikelindell
- MikePence
- MikePompeo
- Military
- MilitaryAid
- militaryrecord
- MiloĐukanović
- Milton
- Milwaukee
- Minneapolis
- Minnesota
- misogynistic
- Missile
- MissingPerson
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- MitchMcConnell
- MohammedbinSalman
- Moldova
- mondaynightfootball
- MonetaryPolicy
- money
- moneylaundering
- MoneyWatch
- Monkeypox
- Montenegro
- montgomerycounty
- montgomerycountypublicschools
- monthlycash
- monthlypayments
- Moon
- moonmission
- Moscow
- MostWanted
- moviedeals
- Movies
- mRNAvaccine
- murder
- MurielBowser
- Music
- musiccharts
- musiccontest
- Mutombotumor
- mypillow
- mystery
- Namibia
- NancyPelosi
- NancyReagan
- naomijudd
- naomijuddautopsy
- naomijuddgunshot
- naomijuddsuicide
- Naples
- narcotics
- NarcyNovack
- NASAlaunch
- NASAsatellite
- Nashville
- NateSilver
- NationalArchives
- nationalcinemaday
- NationalDebt
- NationalEducationAssociation
- NationalFootballLeague
- NationalFootballLeaguePlayersAssociation
- NationalIncidentBasedReportingSystem
- NationalParks
- NationalParkService
- NationalSecurity
- NationalSecurityCouncil
- nationalspark
- nationalsstadium
- NationalWeatherService
- NativeAmericans
- Nato
- Naturaldisasters
- NaturalGas
- Nature
- Navy
- Nazis
- ndtv
- Nebraska
- negotiations
- NellieGorbea
- neoNazi
- Netflix
- neuroscience
- neurotrauma
- Nevada
- newday
- NewGingrich
- NewHampshire
- newhampshiremidterms
- newhampshireprimaries
- NewHampshireprimary
- NewHampshireSenaterace
- newhampshirevoterissues
- NewMexico
- NewOrleans
- News
- newsmax
- Newsom
- NewYork
- NewYorkAttorneyGeneral
- NewYorkCity
- NewYorkDistrictCourtJudgeKevinCastel
- newyorkgoogleantitrust
- NewYorkprimaries
- NewYorkTimes
- NewYorkYankees
- NewZealand
- nflataxia
- nflbraininjury
- NFLconcussionprotocol
- nfltuatagovailoa
- Nicaragua
- NicholasBrutcher
- nickandhannahnatale
- NickKyrgios
- NicolasMaduro
- nicotine
- Nigeria
- NikkiHaley
- Nikola
- NobelPeacePrize
- Nominations
- nonbinary
- noncitizens
- Norfolk
- NormanShapiro
- NorthCarolina
- NorthCarolinaSenaterace
- NorthDakota
- NorthKorea
- NorthKoreanucleartest
- Norway
- NuclearArmageddon
- NuclearPower
- nuclearwar
- NuclearWeapons
- NuryMartinez
- nypolice
- nytattooboy
- nytattoocrime
- OaklandCountySheriff’sOffice
- OathKeepers
- Obama
- obamaofficial
- Obituaries
- October
- Octobersurprise
- Ohio
- OhioBoardofEducation
- OhioHouse
- ohiosenaterace
- ohiosenateracepolling
- oil
- Oklahoma
- Oklahoma2022
- OklahomaDistrictAttorneySteveKunzweiler
- Oklahomav.CastroHuerta
- OksanaMarkarova
- OldDominion
- olegderipaska
- Olympics
- ontheballot
- Opinion
- OpioidAbuse
- opioidcrisis
- Oregon
- oregon2022
- oregoncrime
- oregonducks
- oregongovernor
- oregonprotests
- organdonation
- Oscars
- OurDemocracy
- OuterSpace
- outofstateabortion
- overseasjobs
- oz
- P.Diddy
- Pacific
- PacificOcean
- PACs
- paidhumansource
- Palestine
- PalestinianAuthority
- PalmBeach
- palmpayment
- pandemic
- pansolo
- papuanewguinea
- paramountplus
- Pardon
- Pardons
- Parenting
- Paris
- ParisAttack
- Parisclimateagreement
- partialmobilization
- Party
- Passports
- passwords
- PatrickLeahy
- patrickmahomes
- PatrickMorrisey
- PatToomey
- paulaoverby
- PaulManafort
- paulwhelan
- Pay
- Payment
- payments
- PayPal
- Peace
- pedestrian
- pelosidaughter
- Pennsylvania
- PennsylvaniaHouse
- pennsylvaniasenate
- PennsylvaniaSenaterace
- Pentagon
- people
- periodofmourning
- personality
- petearredondo
- PeteButtigieg
- PeterNavarro
- PeterThiel
- Pets
- Pfizer
- PGATour
- PharmaceuticalIndustry
- Pharmacydesert
- PharrellWilliams
- Philadelphia
- Philippines
- physics
- pieperlewis
- PikeCountyshootings
- pills
- PlaneCrashes
- PlannedParenthood
- Playoffs
- Police
- Policeevent
- policeshootingresponse
- Policy
- polio
- politicalactioncommittee
- PoliticalPolarization
- Politics
- poll
- Polling
- Polls
- PopCulture
- PopeFrancis
- poppyharlow
- porn
- Pornhub
- Pornography
- Portland
- PostalService
- pot
- Poverty
- PramilaJayapal
- Pregnancy
- President
- presidenttrump
- PressFreedom
- price
- Prices
- prideparade
- Primaries
- primaryelections
- primaryresults
- primeminister
- PrimeMinisterLizTruss
- primeministerresigns
- Prison
- prisoners
- prisonerswap
- Prisons
- Privacy
- privatesecurity
- prize
- prochoice
- progressive
- Progressivism
- ProIsrael
- ProLife
- Pronoun
- Proposition31
- Protester
- protesters
- Protests
- PublicBroadcasting
- PublicHealth
- PublicSchools
- PublicTransportation
- publishingindustry
- PuertoRico
- PuffDaddy
- pulitzer
- punting
- Putin
- puttputt
- QassemSoleimani
- Qatar
- queencoffin
- QueenElizabeth
- QueenElizabethcrown
- queenelizabethdeath
- queenelizabethfuneral
- QueenElizabethII
- QueenElizabethIIdeath
- QueenPlatinumJubilee
- Race
- RaceandDiversity
- Racism
- racistlanguage
- Radio
- RafaelWarnock
- raid
- Railroads
- RandPaul
- rankedchoice
- rankedchoicevoting
- ransomware
- Rape
- RaphaelWarnock
- RashidaTlaib
- rate
- Razor
- Reagan
- RealClearPolitics
- RealEstate
- RealTime
- RealTimewithBillMaher
- rebatecheck
- recall
- Recalls
- RecepTayyipErdogan
- Recession
- reconnaissance
- RedBull
- Redistricting
- Reelection
- referendum
- Refugee
- Refugees
- regimechange
- Regulation
- regulations
- Relief
- Religion
- religioninamerica
- religiousaccomodations
- reparations
- RepealVCEA
- RepealVirginiaCleanEconomyAct
- Report
- Reporter
- Republican
- RepublicanNationalConvention
- RepublicanParty
- Republicanprimary
- Republicans
- RepublicofChina
- Rescuemission
- research
- reshoring
- Resignation
- Restaurants
- retirement
- Rhetoric
- RhodeIsland
- rhodeislandprimary
- Rhodenfamily
- RichardHudson
- RickCaruso
- RickScott
- ride
- rightwing
- Rihanna
- riot
- Riots
- rishisunak
- robbelemenetaryschool
- RobertMueller
- RobertTelles
- Robots
- robportman
- Roev.Wade
- RogerFederer
- RogerStone
- RonaldCoen
- RonaldReagan
- RonDeSantis
- RonJohnson
- RonKlain
- royalfuneral
- RoyalGuard
- Royals
- RudyGiuliani
- rudygiulianitrump
- rudysalas
- rudytrumpjan6
- Rules
- RuralAmerica
- Ruralpharmacies
- Russia
- Russiagas
- russiagate
- Russiainvestigation
- russiamilitaryrangeshooting
- russiandefenseministry
- Russiandissidents
- RussianEmbassy
- russiangas
- Russianmilitary
- RussianMixedMartialArtschampion
- Russianprisoner
- RussianPropaganda
- RussianSeparatist
- Russianseparatists
- russianuclear
- Russiaoil
- Russiasanctions
- russiaukraine
- ryansalame
- salem
- salmanrushdie
- salmanrushdiestabbing
- SameSexMarriage
- Sanctions
- sandersonsisters
- SanDiego
- sandiegopadres
- sandiegostateuniversity
- SanFrancisco
- sanfrancisco49ers
- sanjosestateCamdanMcWright
- SanJoseStateUniversity
- SannaMarin
- SantiagoSosa
- SarahPalin
- satelliteinternet
- Satellites
- SaturdayNightLive
- SaudiArabia
- Scandals
- school
- SchoolChoice
- Schools
- SchoolShooting
- SchoolShootings
- Schoolshutdowns
- schumermoneyelection
- Science
- ScienceandTechnology
- scoobydoo
- Scotland
- ScottBudnick
- SeanCasten
- SeanCombs
- SeanSpicer
- searchandseizure
- Seattle
- sebastiangorka
- SecondAmendment
- secondcase
- SecretaryofState
- SecretService
- security
- segregatedhockeyleague
- Semiconductor
- semifascist
- seminolecounty
- Senate
- SenateDemocrats
- SenateForeignRelationsCommittee
- Senaterace
- SenateRepublicans
- senator
- Seniors
- Sept.11
- September11
- september11survivor
- septembersocialsecurity
- septembersocialsecuritypayment
- SergeiShoigu
- SergeyLavrov
- serialkiller
- Settlements
- SevereWeather
- sextrafficking
- SexualAbuseAllegations
- SexualAssault
- SexualHarassment
- Shark
- shelter
- sheriff
- sherripapini
- sherripapinihoax
- ShinzoAbe
- shooting
- Shopping
- ShorensteinCenter
- Shorts
- SidneyPowell
- SiliconValley
- simulation
- sinema
- Singapore
- Slaveryontheballot
- Sloviansk
- smear
- Snapchat
- Soccer
- SocialMedia
- SocialSecurity
- socialsecuritycheck
- socialsecurityincome
- socialsecurityincrease
- socialsecurityincrease2022
- socialsecurityincrease2023
- socialsecuritypayment
- socialsecuritypayments
- socialsecuritypaymentschedule
- software
- SolarEnergy
- Somalia
- SouthAmerica
- SouthCarolina
- southcarolina700rebate
- southcarolinataxrebates
- SouthDakota
- SouthernBaptistConvention
- SouthKorea
- SouthwestAirlines
- Space
- SpaceExploration
- SpaceForce
- spacetravel
- SpaceX
- Spam
- spambots
- SpeakeroftheHouse
- specialagent
- specialcounsel
- specialelection
- SpecialMaster
- specialmasternominees
- specialmasters
- Speculate
- Split5050
- Sports
- sportsmemorabilia
- Spotify
- SriLanka
- St.Louis
- stabbing
- StaceyAbrams
- staceyabramslawsuit
- Standup
- StanleyMcFadden
- star
- Starbucks
- Starlink
- stars
- StarTrek
- StarWars
- StateCourts
- StateDepartment
- StateLegislatures
- StateofEmergency
- States
- statesupremecourts
- StayConnectednewsletter
- steeledossier
- StenyHoyer
- StephenColbert
- StephenKing
- SteveBannon
- SteveKunzweiler
- stevenA.Sund
- StevenFriend
- stimmy
- Stimulus
- stimulus2022
- stimuluscheck
- stimuluscheck2022
- stimuluscheckdirectpayment
- stimuluschecknew
- stimuluscheckpayment
- stimuluscheckupdate
- stimulusupdate
- stimulusupdate2022
- stockmarket
- StocktonPoliceDepartment
- Stocktrading
- strategicpetroleumreserve
- strawpoll
- Strelkov
- Strike
- strikes
- stroke
- studentdebt
- StudentLoans
- Students
- studentsnonbinary
- Studies
- Subpoena
- subpoenatrump
- SuffolkCounty
- SuffolkPoliceDepartment
- Suicide
- suing
- summit
- sunnyhostin
- Superbowl
- SuperbowlLVII
- SuperPAC
- SuperPACs
- Supplychain
- SupremeCourt
- supremecourtabortion
- Surgery
- Surveillance
- survey
- SusanCollins
- susanwild
- swatted
- Sweden
- switzerland
- Syria
- SyrianDefenseForces
- tailgate
- tailgating
- taiwan
- takethedressesoff
- Taliban
- TampaBay
- TampaBayBuccaneers
- tampons
- Tape
- tattoo
- tax
- taxcredit
- TaxCredits
- Taxes
- taxfraud
- Taxpayers
- TaxRebate
- taxrebatecheck
- taxrebates
- TaxReform
- TaylorSwift
- tbifootball
- Teacher
- Teachers
- teaxsgovernorrace
- Technology
- TedBudd
- TedCruz
- teenagers
- television
- Tennessee
- Tennis
- Terrorism
- terroristattack
- Terroristattacks
- tesla
- testify
- Testimony
- testimonytrump
- Texas
- texasantitrust
- texasdps
- texasgoogle
- texasgoogleantitrust
- Texasgovernor
- texasrangers
- thailand
- thanksgiving
- thanksgivingdinner
- TheAtlantic
- thebroadwayavenuellc
- TheClubhouseatAquiaHarbour
- TheCrossConnection
- TheDividerTrumpintheWhiteHouse
- theeveningedit
- TheProblemwithJonStewart
- thequeue
- therock
- therockpresident
- TheShop
- TheView
- ThinkTanks
- ThirdParty
- ThirteenthAmendment
- ThomasLane
- Threat
- thriller
- TiffanyCross
- TikTok
- TimCarney
- TimRyan
- TimScott
- TimTebow
- TitleIX
- tobacco
- ToddBowles
- ToddGilbert
- TomBrady
- tombradykick
- TomCruise
- tomemberton
- TomFitton
- TomHanks
- TommyTuberville
- TonyEvers
- topgrossingfilm
- TopGun
- topgunmaverick
- ToriRichards
- Tourism
- TouThao
- TradePolicy
- Traffic
- tragedy
- trains
- Transgender
- TransgenderIssues
- transgenderjokes
- transmission
- Transparency
- Transportation
- traumaticbraininjury
- Travel
- Treasury
- TreasuryDepartment
- TribalSovereignty
- troops
- TropicalStormIan
- troyaikman
- trump
- trump2020
- trump2024
- Trumpadministration
- Trumpcampaign
- trumpcapitolriot
- trumpcfo
- trumpcleared
- trumpcomeback
- trumpcommentselainechao
- trumpdc
- trumpdocuments
- trumpdocumentsriot
- trumpdoj
- trumpfbi
- TrumpFoundation
- TrumpHotel
- Trumpies
- trumpindicted
- trumpindictment
- trumpinvestigation
- trumpinvestigations
- trumplawsuit
- TrumpOrganization
- Trumpproperties
- trumpraid
- trumprepublicans
- trumprudypardon
- trumprussiainvestigation
- Trumpsign
- trumpspecialmaster
- TrumpWorld
- truthsocial
- tuaconcussion
- TuaTagovailoa
- TuckerCarlson
- TudorDixon
- Tuesdayprimaryelection
- TulsaCounty
- TulsiGabbard
- Tupleo
- Turkey
- TV
- twitterbots
- twostatesolution
- typhoonmerbok
- U.K.
- U.N.
- U.N.GeneralAssembly
- U.S.CapitolBuilding
- U.S.Embassy
- U.S.military
- U.S.Open
- U.S.Turkeyrelations
- uber
- UK
- ukblackouts
- ukenergy
- ukflashlights
- ukgenerators
- ukgloves
- UKprimeminister
- Ukraine
- ukraineaid
- ukrainerussia
- ukrainewar
- Ukrainian
- Ukrainianrefugees
- ukwinterenergy
- UltraMAGA
- unaccompaniedminors
- Uncategorized
- Unemployment
- UNGeneralAssembly
- union
- Unions
- UnitedArabEmirates
- UnitedKingdom
- UnitedNations
- unitednationsgeneralassembly
- UnitedNationsSecurityCouncil
- UnitedStates
- unitedstatesspecialrelationship
- UniversalBasicIncome
- University
- universityofgeorgia
- universityofoklahoma
- UniversityofTexas
- unsealedwarrant
- unvaccinatedathletes
- USaidtoUkraine
- USATodayIpsosnbsppoll
- usmexicoborder
- usrussia
- Utah
- uvalde
- uvaldepolice
- uvaldeschooldistrict
- UvaldeSchoolShooting
- VA
- Vacation
- Vaccination
- vaccine
- ValDemings
- VancouverPride
- Vandalism
- Vatican
- velma
- velmalesbian
- Venezuela
- venmo
- Vermont
- Veterans
- VeteransAffairs
- vicentegonzalez
- VicePresident
- VictorFaust
- Victoria
- Video
- videofootage
- Videos
- Vienna
- ViktorOrban
- VinceDooley
- Viral
- viralmenu
- Virginia
- VirginiaBeach
- VirginiaCleanEconomyAct
- Virginiafarm
- VirginiaTech
- visa
- VladimirMineev
- VladimirPutin
- VolodymyrZelensky
- VolusiaCountyBranchJail
- VoterFraud
- voterissues
- voterregistration
- Voting
- votinglaws
- VotingMachines
- Votingrights
- W.JamesAntleIII
- wagecontributions
- Wages
- Wagnerfamily
- WagnerGrouop
- WalledLake
- WalledLakePoliceDepartment
- WallStreet
- Walmart
- WaltDisneyWorld
- WalterShorensteinMediaandDemocracyFellow
- War
- WarCrimes
- WarinAfghanistan
- WarinUkraine
- warnock
- WaronDrugs
- WarrenBuffet
- Washington
- WashingtonCommanders
- WashingtonD.C.
- WashingtonExaminer
- WashingtonMetropolitanAreaTransitAuthority
- WashingtonNationals
- washingtonpost
- Watergate
- WaterPollution
- waukesha
- WaukeshaChristmasParade
- waveofthehand
- Wealth
- weaponizedDOJ
- Weapons
- Weather
- wedding
- WellsFargo
- WesleyBrownlee
- WestBank
- WestHollywood
- WestJerusalem
- WestVirginia
- whenisnextstimuluscheck
- whereismymoney
- whereismysocialsecuritycheck
- whereismysocialsecuritypayment
- whereismystimuluscheck
- whereismystimuluscheckpayment
- whereismytaxcredit
- Whistleblower
- WhiteHouse
- WhiteHouseofficials
- whitelivesmatter
- Whitesupremacists
- WhoopiGoldberg
- wildcardgame
- Wildfire
- WilliamBarr
- WillSmith
- Wimbledon
- Wisconsin
- Wisconsinsenaterace
- wisconsinvoters
- woke
- Wokeculture
- wokepolitics
- WokerinChief
- Women
- Workers
- World
- WorldHealthOrganization
- WorldWarII
- worsethansmallpox
- wuhanchina
- WuhanLab
- Wyoming
- XavierBecerra
- XiaoQiJi
- XiJinping
- YairLapid
- Ye
- Yeezy
- Yeezyclothing
- YeezyGapdeal
- Yeinstagram
- Yellowstone
- Yemen
- YoungAmericansforFreedom
- YouTube
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