President Joe Biden celebrated the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act Friday afternoon, praising a significantly-achieving monthly bill that was still left for useless considerably less than one thirty day period in the past. Biden, who is vacationing at a South Carolina mansion, known as the invoice a win for the folks in a tweet fired off quickly following the act's occasion-line passage. Go through MY LIPS: BIDEN ADMINISTRATION PANNED FOR 'NO NEW AUDITS' PLEDGE "Nowadays, the American persons received. Special pursuits lost," it reads. "With the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act in the Dwelling, families will see decreased prescription drug rates, reduced wellbeing treatment prices, and lessen power prices. I seem ahead to signing it into legislation upcoming 7 days." Along with signing the bill after returning to Washington, Biden ideas a larger sized celebration at the White Residence on Sept. 6. He watched the U.S. Residence of Representatives vote on C-SPAN and explained, once again in a tweet, that it "required numerous compromises. Doing crucial things pretty much constantly does. I search forward to signing it into regulation." Biden has not held a community celebration or spoken to the press given that arriving in the Charleston area's Kiawah Island on Wednesday, but he'll have the chance to signal into regulation a key victory for his agenda upon returning. It was a diverse story for conservatives, who have put in most of the previous 7 days railing against the monthly bill and decried its passage on Friday. “Vote them out!" stated Republican Nationwide Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel in a statement. "Congressional Democrats are to blame for soaring inflation, and now they are liable for elevating taxes during a economic downturn. Democrats are out of contact with struggling households, and they will pay out the price in November.” The invoice is established to invest $433 billion around 10 decades and raise just about $740 billion, although the remaining analysis amid tweaks throughout its passage in the Senate on Sunday has not but been released. Democrats boast that it will minimize the deficit and address kitchen desk challenges, though Republicans elevate fears above the bill's probably rising taxes on Americans generating a lot less than $400,000 a yr and employing 87,000 Internal Profits Provider staff. "You cannot tax and commit your way out of an inflation disaster," Household Republican chief Kevin McCarthy tweeted before in the day. It truly is a gorgeous change of events for the monthly bill, which began lifestyle as the unwell-fated Establish Back Better Act Democrats pushed for a great deal of 2021. Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) sunk that monthly bill final December and appeared all set to kill off a more recent, slimmed-down version as lately as 3 weeks back. Ironically, Manchin reported he was rejecting the legislation owing to concerns in excess of its impact on inflation. But adhering to the passage of the CHIPS and Science Act, Manchin and Senate Bulk Chief Chuck Schumer (D-NY) introduced they'd occur to an arrangement on yet a further iteration of the monthly bill, this time dubbed the Inflation Reduction Act. In name, the invoice addresses Manchin's fears and a politically perilous circumstance for Democrats. Their GOP counterparts keep that the bill's title is deceptive and that it violates Biden's campaign pledge not to increase taxes on Us residents earning considerably less than $400,000 a year. Though the laws does not consist of greater taxes on anyone earning fewer than that figure, Republicans argue the monthly bill will nonetheless effectively elevate the tax burden on center-course voters. They say the new 15% least tax on firms will end result in larger charges, reduced wages, and suppressed retirement accounts, though a beefed-up IRS funded by the monthly bill will final result in more distressing tax audits for typical folks. The act produces a 15% bare minimum company tax and introduces a 1% excise tax on company inventory buybacks. A Joint Committee on Taxation evaluation introduced Tuesday uncovered that the tax stress on those people earning between $200,000 and $500,000 would indirectly boost by .8%, while Dwelling Speaker Nancy Pelosi mentioned Friday that there would be "no new taxes on people producing significantly less than $400,000." The bill does contain weather and vitality provisions, which includes tax incentives to purchase electric powered cars and increase domestic generation of renewable energy factors these types of as solar panels. About health care, Medicare recipients will see their insulin expenses capped at $35 subsequent calendar year, and an out-of-pocket drug selling price cap of $2,000 for Medicare sufferers will get started in 2025. Medicare will be equipped to negotiate the charge of 10 medicines starting in 2026. Though Biden was not directly involved in negotiations about the invoice, the White Home has steadfastly promoted it. It can be the 3rd main bill to go by means of Congress in just two weeks, signing up for the PACT Act and the CHIPS and Science Act.
'The American persons won': Biden praises passage of Inflation Reduction Act
'The American folks won': Biden praises passage of Inflation Reduction Act
Haisten Willis August 12, 08:55 PM August 12, 09:23 PM
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- Jail
- JairBolsonaro
- JakeWagner
- JamalKhashoggi
- JamesBond
- JamesComey
- JamesCorden
- JamesEarlJones
- JamesGordonMeek
- jamesmarape
- JamieDimon
- Jan.6
- Jan.6committee
- jan.6protesters
- jan6riot
- JanetYellen
- January6
- January6Commission
- January6Committee
- January6investigation
- january6riot
- Japan
- JaredKushner
- JavierPalomarez
- JayInslee
- JDVance
- JeffBezos
- JeffGerman
- jeffreydahmer
- JeffreyEpstein
- jeffzucker
- jenniferlopez
- JenniferRuthGreen
- JenPsaki
- JensStoltenberg
- JeromePowell
- JerryNadler
- Jerusalem
- JessieHolmes
- Jewish
- jewishpeople
- Jews
- JillBiden
- JimBanks
- JimInhofe
- JimJordan
- JimmyCarter
- jobapprovalrating
- Jobs
- JoeBiden
- JoeBiden2024
- joeellicott
- joeellicottflorida
- joelgreenbergflorida
- JoeManchin
- JoeMusgrove
- joeo
- JoeRogan
- JohnBolton
- JohnCornyn
- JohnDickerson
- JohnDurham
- JohnEastman
- JohnF.Kennedy
- JohnFetterman
- johnfettermanhealth
- johnfettermanstroke
- johnfettermanvsoz
- JohnKennedy
- JohnKirby
- johnmcentee
- JohnnyDepp
- JohnRatcliffe
- JohnScott
- JonathanMiramontes
- JonathanRiccitelli
- JonStewart
- jonstewartapology
- jonstewarttransgender
- jonstewarttransgenderjokes
- jonvoight
- Jordan
- JosephSantana
- joshshapiro
- Jouranlism
- Journalism
- Journalist
- Journalists
- JoyBehar
- JPMorgan
- JPMorganChase
- Judge
- JulianCastro
- Juneteenth
- Justice
- JusticeDepartment
- JustinBieber
- Juvenilehall
- KamalaHarris
- kamalaharrismeetthepress
- KamalHarris
- Kansas
- kansascitychiefs
- kanyeantisemitism
- KanyeWest
- KanyeWestinstagram
- KarenBass
- KarenKhachanov
- KarineJeanPierre
- KathyHochul
- KayleeMcGhee
- KeirStarmer
- KelliWard
- KellyeSoRelle
- KellyTshibaka
- kelseygrammer
- Kennedy
- kenosha
- KenPaxton
- Kentucky
- KetanjiBrownJackson
- KevinKiley
- KevinMcCarthy
- KevinSpacey
- KevinStitt
- KeyWest
- Kherson
- kidnapping
- kidnappinghoax
- Kidnappinngattempt
- killed
- killer
- KimFoxx
- KimJongUn
- KimKardashian
- kingcharles
- KingCharlesIII
- kingofpop
- KobeBryant
- KristiNoem
- ksm
- Kuwait
- KyleRittenhouse
- KyrstenSinema
- Labor
- LaborDay2022
- labordaymovies
- Laborunions
- LabourLeader
- lackedcandor
- LarryFink
- LarryHogan
- LarryKrasner
- LarryNassar
- LAschools
- LasVegas
- LasVegasReviewJournal
- LasVegasshooting
- LatenightTV
- LatestHeadlines
- LatinAmerica
- Latinos
- latinovoters
- LaToyaCantrell
- LauraIngraham
- LaurenBoebert
- laurenhitt
- Law
- LawEnforcement
- lawsuit
- Lawyer
- lawyers
- Leak
- LeakedAudio
- learningloss
- LeBronJames
- LeeZeldin
- Legal
- Legislation
- Legislature
- lesbian
- let
- LetitiaJames
- letter
- lettuce
- lgbthistory
- lgbthistorymonth
- lgbtq
- lgbtqmonth
- lgbtqtag
- libel
- Life
- LifeBelowZero
- LindseyGraham
- lindseygrahamtrump
- linetoviewqueenelizabeth
- listen
- listofaccomplishments
- LIVGolf
- LizCheney
- liztruss
- LizTrussresigns
- LloydAustin
- Lobbying
- Local
- localgovernmentelections
- London
- LoriLightfoot
- LosAngeles
- LosAngelesRams
- LosAngelesUnifiedSchoolDistrict
- Lottery
- LoudermilkYoungDebateSeries
- Louisiana
- LuciaBaezGeller
- Ludacris
- Lugansk
- LuizInacioLuladaSilva
- lyman
- lymanmassgraves
- MadisonCawthorn
- Mafia
- maga
- MagazineBusiness
- MagazineLeadStories
- MagazineSpecialSection
- MagazineWashingtonBriefing
- MagazineYourLand
- MaggieHaberman
- MaggieHassan
- MagnusCarlsen
- Maine
- majoritywhip
- Malware
- manarrestedatnatsstadium
- manchinschumerdeal
- Mandate
- MandelaBarnes
- Manhattan
- Manufacturing
- Maps
- MaraLago
- MaraLagodocuments
- maralagoraid
- marcelias
- MarcoRubio
- MargaretThatcher
- MarieNewman
- Marijuana
- marijuanalegalization
- MarineCorps
- MarineLePen
- Marines
- MarjorieTaylorGreene
- Markets
- MarkFrerichs
- MarkKelly
- MarkMeadows
- MarkZuckerberg
- Mars
- MarshaBlackburn
- Martha
- MartialLaw
- Maryland
- MaryPeltola
- Massachusetts
- massachusettsdrought
- massachusettsprimary
- Massacre
- MassShootings
- Mastercard
- mattaraiza
- MattGaetz
- matthewmiller
- maverick
- MaverickCarter
- MaxRose
- Mayor
- MayoralElection
- mayorbowser
- mayraflores
- McDonalds
- McGirtvs.Oklahoma
- McKennaBrown
- mcps
- measures
- Media
- Medicaid
- MedicaidExpansion
- Medicare
- medicine
- MeetthePress
- megadonors
- MegynKelly
- mehmetoz
- MeiXiang
- MelaniaTrump
- Memphis
- MentalHealth
- Mercenaries
- MercyChefs
- MergersandAcquisitions
- MerrickGarland
- meta
- Metrocrowding
- Metrocustomersatisfaction
- MetropolitanPoliceDepartment
- MetrorailSafetyCommission
- Mexicanborder
- mexico
- mexicosouthernborder
- Miami
- MiamiDolphins
- miamischools
- MichaelBennet
- MichaelBloomberg
- MichaelCohen
- MichaelFlynn
- MichaelHayden
- michaeljackson
- MichaelPalacios
- MichaelParedes
- MichaelReardon
- Michigan
- michiganwolverines
- mickeymantle
- Microsoft
- MiddleClass
- middleclasstaxrefund
- middleeast
- middleeastrelations
- midterm
- midtermelection
- MidtermElections
- Midtermelections2022
- midtermissues
- MidtermMemo
- midterms
- Midterms2022
- MightyDream
- migrantbus
- migrantbusdc
- migrantbuses
- migrantchildren
- Migrantcrisis
- Migrants
- Migrantshelters
- MiguelCardona
- MikeDewine
- mikehart
- MikeLee
- mikelindell
- MikePence
- MikePompeo
- Military
- MilitaryAid
- militaryrecord
- MiloĐukanović
- Milton
- Milwaukee
- Minneapolis
- Minnesota
- misogynistic
- Missile
- MissingPerson
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- MitchMcConnell
- MohammedbinSalman
- Moldova
- mondaynightfootball
- MonetaryPolicy
- money
- moneylaundering
- MoneyWatch
- Monkeypox
- Montenegro
- montgomerycounty
- montgomerycountypublicschools
- monthlycash
- monthlypayments
- Moon
- moonmission
- Moscow
- MostWanted
- moviedeals
- Movies
- mRNAvaccine
- murder
- MurielBowser
- Music
- musiccharts
- musiccontest
- Mutombotumor
- mypillow
- mystery
- Namibia
- NancyPelosi
- NancyReagan
- naomijudd
- naomijuddautopsy
- naomijuddgunshot
- naomijuddsuicide
- Naples
- narcotics
- NarcyNovack
- NASAlaunch
- NASAsatellite
- Nashville
- NateSilver
- NationalArchives
- nationalcinemaday
- NationalDebt
- NationalEducationAssociation
- NationalFootballLeague
- NationalFootballLeaguePlayersAssociation
- NationalIncidentBasedReportingSystem
- NationalParks
- NationalParkService
- NationalSecurity
- NationalSecurityCouncil
- nationalspark
- nationalsstadium
- NationalWeatherService
- NativeAmericans
- Nato
- Naturaldisasters
- NaturalGas
- Nature
- Navy
- Nazis
- ndtv
- Nebraska
- negotiations
- NellieGorbea
- neoNazi
- Netflix
- neuroscience
- neurotrauma
- Nevada
- newday
- NewGingrich
- NewHampshire
- newhampshiremidterms
- newhampshireprimaries
- NewHampshireprimary
- NewHampshireSenaterace
- newhampshirevoterissues
- NewMexico
- NewOrleans
- News
- newsmax
- Newsom
- NewYork
- NewYorkAttorneyGeneral
- NewYorkCity
- NewYorkDistrictCourtJudgeKevinCastel
- newyorkgoogleantitrust
- NewYorkprimaries
- NewYorkTimes
- NewYorkYankees
- NewZealand
- nflataxia
- nflbraininjury
- NFLconcussionprotocol
- nfltuatagovailoa
- Nicaragua
- NicholasBrutcher
- nickandhannahnatale
- NickKyrgios
- NicolasMaduro
- nicotine
- Nigeria
- NikkiHaley
- Nikola
- NobelPeacePrize
- Nominations
- nonbinary
- noncitizens
- Norfolk
- NormanShapiro
- NorthCarolina
- NorthCarolinaSenaterace
- NorthDakota
- NorthKorea
- NorthKoreanucleartest
- Norway
- NuclearArmageddon
- NuclearPower
- nuclearwar
- NuclearWeapons
- NuryMartinez
- nypolice
- nytattooboy
- nytattoocrime
- OaklandCountySheriff’sOffice
- OathKeepers
- Obama
- obamaofficial
- Obituaries
- October
- Octobersurprise
- Ohio
- OhioBoardofEducation
- OhioHouse
- ohiosenaterace
- ohiosenateracepolling
- oil
- Oklahoma
- Oklahoma2022
- OklahomaDistrictAttorneySteveKunzweiler
- Oklahomav.CastroHuerta
- OksanaMarkarova
- OldDominion
- olegderipaska
- Olympics
- ontheballot
- Opinion
- OpioidAbuse
- opioidcrisis
- Oregon
- oregon2022
- oregoncrime
- oregonducks
- oregongovernor
- oregonprotests
- organdonation
- Oscars
- OurDemocracy
- OuterSpace
- outofstateabortion
- overseasjobs
- oz
- P.Diddy
- Pacific
- PacificOcean
- PACs
- paidhumansource
- Palestine
- PalestinianAuthority
- PalmBeach
- palmpayment
- pandemic
- pansolo
- papuanewguinea
- paramountplus
- Pardon
- Pardons
- Parenting
- Paris
- ParisAttack
- Parisclimateagreement
- partialmobilization
- Party
- Passports
- passwords
- PatrickLeahy
- patrickmahomes
- PatrickMorrisey
- PatToomey
- paulaoverby
- PaulManafort
- paulwhelan
- Pay
- Payment
- payments
- PayPal
- Peace
- pedestrian
- pelosidaughter
- Pennsylvania
- PennsylvaniaHouse
- pennsylvaniasenate
- PennsylvaniaSenaterace
- Pentagon
- people
- periodofmourning
- personality
- petearredondo
- PeteButtigieg
- PeterNavarro
- PeterThiel
- Pets
- Pfizer
- PGATour
- PharmaceuticalIndustry
- Pharmacydesert
- PharrellWilliams
- Philadelphia
- Philippines
- physics
- pieperlewis
- PikeCountyshootings
- pills
- PlaneCrashes
- PlannedParenthood
- Playoffs
- Police
- Policeevent
- policeshootingresponse
- Policy
- polio
- politicalactioncommittee
- PoliticalPolarization
- Politics
- poll
- Polling
- Polls
- PopCulture
- PopeFrancis
- poppyharlow
- porn
- Pornhub
- Pornography
- Portland
- PostalService
- pot
- Poverty
- PramilaJayapal
- Pregnancy
- President
- presidenttrump
- PressFreedom
- price
- Prices
- prideparade
- Primaries
- primaryelections
- primaryresults
- primeminister
- PrimeMinisterLizTruss
- primeministerresigns
- Prison
- prisoners
- prisonerswap
- Prisons
- Privacy
- privatesecurity
- prize
- prochoice
- progressive
- Progressivism
- ProIsrael
- ProLife
- Pronoun
- Proposition31
- Protester
- protesters
- Protests
- PublicBroadcasting
- PublicHealth
- PublicSchools
- PublicTransportation
- publishingindustry
- PuertoRico
- PuffDaddy
- pulitzer
- punting
- Putin
- puttputt
- QassemSoleimani
- Qatar
- queencoffin
- QueenElizabeth
- QueenElizabethcrown
- queenelizabethdeath
- queenelizabethfuneral
- QueenElizabethII
- QueenElizabethIIdeath
- QueenPlatinumJubilee
- Race
- RaceandDiversity
- Racism
- racistlanguage
- Radio
- RafaelWarnock
- raid
- Railroads
- RandPaul
- rankedchoice
- rankedchoicevoting
- ransomware
- Rape
- RaphaelWarnock
- RashidaTlaib
- rate
- Razor
- Reagan
- RealClearPolitics
- RealEstate
- RealTime
- RealTimewithBillMaher
- rebatecheck
- recall
- Recalls
- RecepTayyipErdogan
- Recession
- reconnaissance
- RedBull
- Redistricting
- Reelection
- referendum
- Refugee
- Refugees
- regimechange
- Regulation
- regulations
- Relief
- Religion
- religioninamerica
- religiousaccomodations
- reparations
- RepealVCEA
- RepealVirginiaCleanEconomyAct
- Report
- Reporter
- Republican
- RepublicanNationalConvention
- RepublicanParty
- Republicanprimary
- Republicans
- RepublicofChina
- Rescuemission
- research
- reshoring
- Resignation
- Restaurants
- retirement
- Rhetoric
- RhodeIsland
- rhodeislandprimary
- Rhodenfamily
- RichardHudson
- RickCaruso
- RickScott
- ride
- rightwing
- Rihanna
- riot
- Riots
- rishisunak
- robbelemenetaryschool
- RobertMueller
- RobertTelles
- Robots
- robportman
- Roev.Wade
- RogerFederer
- RogerStone
- RonaldCoen
- RonaldReagan
- RonDeSantis
- RonJohnson
- RonKlain
- royalfuneral
- RoyalGuard
- Royals
- RudyGiuliani
- rudygiulianitrump
- rudysalas
- rudytrumpjan6
- Rules
- RuralAmerica
- Ruralpharmacies
- Russia
- Russiagas
- russiagate
- Russiainvestigation
- russiamilitaryrangeshooting
- russiandefenseministry
- Russiandissidents
- RussianEmbassy
- russiangas
- Russianmilitary
- RussianMixedMartialArtschampion
- Russianprisoner
- RussianPropaganda
- RussianSeparatist
- Russianseparatists
- russianuclear
- Russiaoil
- Russiasanctions
- russiaukraine
- ryansalame
- salem
- salmanrushdie
- salmanrushdiestabbing
- SameSexMarriage
- Sanctions
- sandersonsisters
- SanDiego
- sandiegopadres
- sandiegostateuniversity
- SanFrancisco
- sanfrancisco49ers
- sanjosestateCamdanMcWright
- SanJoseStateUniversity
- SannaMarin
- SantiagoSosa
- SarahPalin
- satelliteinternet
- Satellites
- SaturdayNightLive
- SaudiArabia
- Scandals
- school
- SchoolChoice
- Schools
- SchoolShooting
- SchoolShootings
- Schoolshutdowns
- schumermoneyelection
- Science
- ScienceandTechnology
- scoobydoo
- Scotland
- ScottBudnick
- SeanCasten
- SeanCombs
- SeanSpicer
- searchandseizure
- Seattle
- sebastiangorka
- SecondAmendment
- secondcase
- SecretaryofState
- SecretService
- security
- segregatedhockeyleague
- Semiconductor
- semifascist
- seminolecounty
- Senate
- SenateDemocrats
- SenateForeignRelationsCommittee
- Senaterace
- SenateRepublicans
- senator
- Seniors
- Sept.11
- September11
- september11survivor
- septembersocialsecurity
- septembersocialsecuritypayment
- SergeiShoigu
- SergeyLavrov
- serialkiller
- Settlements
- SevereWeather
- sextrafficking
- SexualAbuseAllegations
- SexualAssault
- SexualHarassment
- Shark
- shelter
- sheriff
- sherripapini
- sherripapinihoax
- ShinzoAbe
- shooting
- Shopping
- ShorensteinCenter
- Shorts
- SidneyPowell
- SiliconValley
- simulation
- sinema
- Singapore
- Slaveryontheballot
- Sloviansk
- smear
- Snapchat
- Soccer
- SocialMedia
- SocialSecurity
- socialsecuritycheck
- socialsecurityincome
- socialsecurityincrease
- socialsecurityincrease2022
- socialsecurityincrease2023
- socialsecuritypayment
- socialsecuritypayments
- socialsecuritypaymentschedule
- software
- SolarEnergy
- Somalia
- SouthAmerica
- SouthCarolina
- southcarolina700rebate
- southcarolinataxrebates
- SouthDakota
- SouthernBaptistConvention
- SouthKorea
- SouthwestAirlines
- Space
- SpaceExploration
- SpaceForce
- spacetravel
- SpaceX
- Spam
- spambots
- SpeakeroftheHouse
- specialagent
- specialcounsel
- specialelection
- SpecialMaster
- specialmasternominees
- specialmasters
- Speculate
- Split5050
- Sports
- sportsmemorabilia
- Spotify
- SriLanka
- St.Louis
- stabbing
- StaceyAbrams
- staceyabramslawsuit
- Standup
- StanleyMcFadden
- star
- Starbucks
- Starlink
- stars
- StarTrek
- StarWars
- StateCourts
- StateDepartment
- StateLegislatures
- StateofEmergency
- States
- statesupremecourts
- StayConnectednewsletter
- steeledossier
- StenyHoyer
- StephenColbert
- StephenKing
- SteveBannon
- SteveKunzweiler
- stevenA.Sund
- StevenFriend
- stimmy
- Stimulus
- stimulus2022
- stimuluscheck
- stimuluscheck2022
- stimuluscheckdirectpayment
- stimuluschecknew
- stimuluscheckpayment
- stimuluscheckupdate
- stimulusupdate
- stimulusupdate2022
- stockmarket
- StocktonPoliceDepartment
- Stocktrading
- strategicpetroleumreserve
- strawpoll
- Strelkov
- Strike
- strikes
- stroke
- studentdebt
- StudentLoans
- Students
- studentsnonbinary
- Studies
- Subpoena
- subpoenatrump
- SuffolkCounty
- SuffolkPoliceDepartment
- Suicide
- suing
- summit
- sunnyhostin
- Superbowl
- SuperbowlLVII
- SuperPAC
- SuperPACs
- Supplychain
- SupremeCourt
- supremecourtabortion
- Surgery
- Surveillance
- survey
- SusanCollins
- susanwild
- swatted
- Sweden
- switzerland
- Syria
- SyrianDefenseForces
- tailgate
- tailgating
- taiwan
- takethedressesoff
- Taliban
- TampaBay
- TampaBayBuccaneers
- tampons
- Tape
- tattoo
- tax
- taxcredit
- TaxCredits
- Taxes
- taxfraud
- Taxpayers
- TaxRebate
- taxrebatecheck
- taxrebates
- TaxReform
- TaylorSwift
- tbifootball
- Teacher
- Teachers
- teaxsgovernorrace
- Technology
- TedBudd
- TedCruz
- teenagers
- television
- Tennessee
- Tennis
- Terrorism
- terroristattack
- Terroristattacks
- tesla
- testify
- Testimony
- testimonytrump
- Texas
- texasantitrust
- texasdps
- texasgoogle
- texasgoogleantitrust
- Texasgovernor
- texasrangers
- thailand
- thanksgiving
- thanksgivingdinner
- TheAtlantic
- thebroadwayavenuellc
- TheClubhouseatAquiaHarbour
- TheCrossConnection
- TheDividerTrumpintheWhiteHouse
- theeveningedit
- TheProblemwithJonStewart
- thequeue
- therock
- therockpresident
- TheShop
- TheView
- ThinkTanks
- ThirdParty
- ThirteenthAmendment
- ThomasLane
- Threat
- thriller
- TiffanyCross
- TikTok
- TimCarney
- TimRyan
- TimScott
- TimTebow
- TitleIX
- tobacco
- ToddBowles
- ToddGilbert
- TomBrady
- tombradykick
- TomCruise
- tomemberton
- TomFitton
- TomHanks
- TommyTuberville
- TonyEvers
- topgrossingfilm
- TopGun
- topgunmaverick
- ToriRichards
- Tourism
- TouThao
- TradePolicy
- Traffic
- tragedy
- trains
- Transgender
- TransgenderIssues
- transgenderjokes
- transmission
- Transparency
- Transportation
- traumaticbraininjury
- Travel
- Treasury
- TreasuryDepartment
- TribalSovereignty
- troops
- TropicalStormIan
- troyaikman
- trump
- trump2020
- trump2024
- Trumpadministration
- Trumpcampaign
- trumpcapitolriot
- trumpcfo
- trumpcleared
- trumpcomeback
- trumpcommentselainechao
- trumpdc
- trumpdocuments
- trumpdocumentsriot
- trumpdoj
- trumpfbi
- TrumpFoundation
- TrumpHotel
- Trumpies
- trumpindicted
- trumpindictment
- trumpinvestigation
- trumpinvestigations
- trumplawsuit
- TrumpOrganization
- Trumpproperties
- trumpraid
- trumprepublicans
- trumprudypardon
- trumprussiainvestigation
- Trumpsign
- trumpspecialmaster
- TrumpWorld
- truthsocial
- tuaconcussion
- TuaTagovailoa
- TuckerCarlson
- TudorDixon
- Tuesdayprimaryelection
- TulsaCounty
- TulsiGabbard
- Tupleo
- Turkey
- TV
- twitterbots
- twostatesolution
- typhoonmerbok
- U.K.
- U.N.
- U.N.GeneralAssembly
- U.S.CapitolBuilding
- U.S.Embassy
- U.S.military
- U.S.Open
- U.S.Turkeyrelations
- uber
- UK
- ukblackouts
- ukenergy
- ukflashlights
- ukgenerators
- ukgloves
- UKprimeminister
- Ukraine
- ukraineaid
- ukrainerussia
- ukrainewar
- Ukrainian
- Ukrainianrefugees
- ukwinterenergy
- UltraMAGA
- unaccompaniedminors
- Uncategorized
- Unemployment
- UNGeneralAssembly
- union
- Unions
- UnitedArabEmirates
- UnitedKingdom
- UnitedNations
- unitednationsgeneralassembly
- UnitedNationsSecurityCouncil
- UnitedStates
- unitedstatesspecialrelationship
- UniversalBasicIncome
- University
- universityofgeorgia
- universityofoklahoma
- UniversityofTexas
- unsealedwarrant
- unvaccinatedathletes
- USaidtoUkraine
- USATodayIpsosnbsppoll
- usmexicoborder
- usrussia
- Utah
- uvalde
- uvaldepolice
- uvaldeschooldistrict
- UvaldeSchoolShooting
- VA
- Vacation
- Vaccination
- vaccine
- ValDemings
- VancouverPride
- Vandalism
- Vatican
- velma
- velmalesbian
- Venezuela
- venmo
- Vermont
- Veterans
- VeteransAffairs
- vicentegonzalez
- VicePresident
- VictorFaust
- Victoria
- Video
- videofootage
- Videos
- Vienna
- ViktorOrban
- VinceDooley
- Viral
- viralmenu
- Virginia
- VirginiaBeach
- VirginiaCleanEconomyAct
- Virginiafarm
- VirginiaTech
- visa
- VladimirMineev
- VladimirPutin
- VolodymyrZelensky
- VolusiaCountyBranchJail
- VoterFraud
- voterissues
- voterregistration
- Voting
- votinglaws
- VotingMachines
- Votingrights
- W.JamesAntleIII
- wagecontributions
- Wages
- Wagnerfamily
- WagnerGrouop
- WalledLake
- WalledLakePoliceDepartment
- WallStreet
- Walmart
- WaltDisneyWorld
- WalterShorensteinMediaandDemocracyFellow
- War
- WarCrimes
- WarinAfghanistan
- WarinUkraine
- warnock
- WaronDrugs
- WarrenBuffet
- Washington
- WashingtonCommanders
- WashingtonD.C.
- WashingtonExaminer
- WashingtonMetropolitanAreaTransitAuthority
- WashingtonNationals
- washingtonpost
- Watergate
- WaterPollution
- waukesha
- WaukeshaChristmasParade
- waveofthehand
- Wealth
- weaponizedDOJ
- Weapons
- Weather
- wedding
- WellsFargo
- WesleyBrownlee
- WestBank
- WestHollywood
- WestJerusalem
- WestVirginia
- whenisnextstimuluscheck
- whereismymoney
- whereismysocialsecuritycheck
- whereismysocialsecuritypayment
- whereismystimuluscheck
- whereismystimuluscheckpayment
- whereismytaxcredit
- Whistleblower
- WhiteHouse
- WhiteHouseofficials
- whitelivesmatter
- Whitesupremacists
- WhoopiGoldberg
- wildcardgame
- Wildfire
- WilliamBarr
- WillSmith
- Wimbledon
- Wisconsin
- Wisconsinsenaterace
- wisconsinvoters
- woke
- Wokeculture
- wokepolitics
- WokerinChief
- Women
- Workers
- World
- WorldHealthOrganization
- WorldWarII
- worsethansmallpox
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