Ask Amy: All my money didn’t even buy me a ticket to graduation

Ask Amy: All my money didn’t even buy me a ticket to graduation [ad_1]

Dear Amy: I paid for a large portion of my favorite nephew’s college expenses (he’s also my godson). I was happy to do this because I love him and want to support him.

His mother (my sister) has told me that he has asked to have only immediate family at his college graduation ceremony and dinner this coming spring, which means I would not be included.

I know that as an adult (he’s 23) he has a right to choose who he wants to celebrate his graduation with, but can I at least tell him how hurt I am by this? Can I ask that I also be included (and stipulate that I will leave my husband and daughter at home)?

I do feel somewhat “entitled” to be there to help celebrate a college degree he was able to receive debt-free in large part because of my generosity.

My sister religiously reads your column and would greatly appreciate your input.

– Hurt Aunt




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