Harriette Cole: It offends me when she says I’m a late bloomer, like her

Harriette Cole: It offends me when she says I’m a late bloomer, like her [ad_1]

DEAR HARRIETTE: My older sister and I are very close. She is much older than me, so she’s been more like a second mother to me than a sister.

My sister has always struggled to find her footing. She is approaching her 40s and just recently moved out of our family home and into her own place for the first time.

Something that she says to me regularly is that she thinks that I am a lot like her — a late bloomer. She thinks that I’ll probably have to deal with a lot of the same struggles that she has had in her adulthood.

I am only 22, and I don’t think that it’s fair to write me off as a late bloomer just yet. I struggled in high school a bit, but I’m on track to graduate from college, and I’ve always been a hard worker. It offends me a little bit when she assumes that I will struggle in life.

Should I say something to her about this?

— Not a Late Bloomer




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