Against the Essequibo sun, the dirty hands of imperialism

The author makes a historical account of the Venezuelan battle to recover the territory of Guayana Esequiba, legitimate land of the Bolivarian Republic and that imperial desires try to take away.

Clear and forceful, the statement of the Bolivarian government regarding the pronouncement of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on the Essequibo, summarizes the terms of a historical question that is projected to the present with important (and threatening) implications.

The statement -read and commented on by the Executive Vice President, Delcy Rodríguez, accompanied by Foreign Minister Yván Gil and Defense Minister, Vladimir Padrino López-, first clarifies a substantive issue: Venezuela does not recognize the judicial mechanism as a means of resolving disputes. the controversy "because it excludes the nature and purpose of this agreement." 

Venezuela considers the Geneva Agreement, signed on February 17, 1966 by Venezuela and the representatives of British Guiana, close to achieving independence, as the only valid instrument to settle this territorial dispute. For this reason, it defines as "incidental" the decision of the ICJ "relating to the preliminary objections presented by our country against the unilateral demand of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana on the validity of the Arbitral Award of October 3, 1899".  

In June and November 2022, Venezuela decided to go to the ICJ to answer Guyana's unilateral demand. At the end of September of last year, Delcy flew to The Hague to counter Guyana's intervention in the 77th General Assembly of the United Nations, in which the arguments of the Arbitral Award of 1899 were restated, which Venezuela considers "irritable and null". .

With rigorous, forceful and abundant documentation, Delcy Rodríguez demonstrated the fraudulent mechanisms used by the United Kingdom of Great Britain to seize its territory from Venezuela. A spoil of colonial character, whose date of origin is October 3, 1899. 

At that time, the so-called Arbitration Award was signed in Paris, constituted by a court created two years earlier on the basis of the Washington Arbitration Treaty, in which the United States, representing Venezuela, on the one hand, and the United Kingdom as owner of the then colony of British Guiana (now the Cooperative Republic of Guyana), on the other hand, he had agreed to take the dispute over the western border of the British colony, and Venezuela to the east, to an international arbitration court.

Venezuela was already independent then, but it was not summoned for a friendly solution to the territorial dispute. She was represented by the colonial powers.

Ultimately, the ruling was in favor of the United Kingdom, which was awarded the territory that Venezuela already called Guayana Esequiba, and which stretched for 159,500 square kilometers to the west of the Essequibo River (certainly not an English name). At the time, Venezuela immediately protested, citing formal defects. 

However, it was only in 1962 that he managed to take his protest to the UN, providing documentary evidence of his reasons. The request was accepted and gave rise to the Geneva Agreement on February 17, 1966. That agreement is still in force even if it is transitory before a final and consensual solution, which Venezuela continues to request even now.

On this occasion, for the first time in its history, the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela has gone to the International Court of Justice in defense of its sovereignty and territorial integrity. The statement celebrates that the Court has validated the arguments presented by Venezuela: "firstly by recognizing that the illegal and fraudulent conduct of the United Kingdom of Great Britain can be reviewed, and secondly because it makes clear the existence and validity of the Geneva Agreement of 1966, the only valid instrument to settle this territorial controversy”. 

For this reason, the statement defines the sentence as "incidental" and declares that the Bolivarian government will evaluate its implications "exhaustively, and will adopt all the measures at its disposal to defend its legitimate rights."  

The ICJ has carefully reviewed the preliminary objections filed by Venezuela against the unilateral claim of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana over the validity of the 1899 Arbitral Award, leaving the way open for a possible review of the damage done by Great Britain. 

The president of the Special Commission for the Defense of the Territory of Guayana Esequiba and Territorial Sovereignty, Hermann Escarrá, indicated that Venezuela has evidence and documents that confirm the heritage of Guayana Esequiba, from remote years. In this sense, Escarrá described as an "unusual, rude and scandalous fact", that it is said that Great Britain is not part of the issue, because it was this nation that signed the Washington Treaty in 1897, as well as the Paris Arbitration Award in 1899. and the Geneva Agreement in 1966.

Delcy Rodríguez announced that the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, will convene a large national consultation on this incidental sentence of the ICJ and, on behalf of the Government, summoned "all the Venezuelan people to the national union in defense of the historical legacy and territory of our Father Liberator Simón Bolívar and in compliance with the constitutional values ​​of peace, integrity and sovereignty in the strictest respect for International Law”.

Rodríguez denounced that the Government of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana promotes the mercenary interests of the large transnational oil companies and the companies that are illegally exploiting that territory under concessions granted by that nation.

“Why does Guyana do that? -she said- We are going to demonstrate the fiscal regimes. Guyana does this to enrich the large transnational oil companies, which are the ones who have also financed the Guyana lawyers in the case before the ICJ who have fostered all this illegal conduct by the Cooperative Republic of Guyana, which refuses to respect and therefore Venezuela reminds you of this: they have an obligation to abide by the 1966 Geneva Agreement for the resolution of this controversy.”

There are already six big oil companies that, while imperialism tries to delay a friendly and shared legal solution according to the 1966 agreements, are imposing a "de facto" situation from which it is not possible to go back. A policy that characterizes imperialist action, which seeks to impose its own artificial "legality", while violating human rights and international treaties: it can be seen in Palestine, where the Israeli regime continues its savage occupation of Palestinian territory, despite the many UN condemnatory resolutions; and we recently saw it with the kidnapping and deportation of Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab, with the complicity of another country in the South subordinate to the United States, Cape Verde.

Meanwhile, the hegemonic think tanks contaminate the international context with a media campaign that seeks to distort the elements and the purpose of a centuries-old dispute that requires historical knowledge and geopolitical vision. The objective is to present Venezuela as an "arrogant" country that seeks to impede the economic development of another "sovereign" country from the south. 

As always, to understand, it is necessary to turn to history, which, for the peoples of the South, is the history of colonial oppression as well as class oppression, for which the wording of "sovereign" State must be enclosed in quotation marks: It is not surprising that the banner of a second independence is still very current in Latin America (and beyond).

Guyana gained independence in 1966 and became a republic in 1970, although it remained within the Commonwealth, an intergovernmental organization of 54 independent states, united - all except Mozambique and Rwanda - by colonization by the British Empire. It is a country whose decisions are still strongly influenced by British and North American policies: with more or less evidence depending on whether the National People's Congress (right-wing, always supported by the United States) or the People's Progressive Party is going to government, which is from the left, and to which the current president Irfaan Ali, the first official practicing Muslim president, belongs.

To get an idea of ​​the imperialist presence in the area, it is enough to know that there is an organization called GuyanaUSA, which promotes the integration of Guyana with the United States. Because? Because more than 100 thousand Guyanese have dual citizenship and those residing in the United States are approximately 350 thousand, or one third of the total population.

The influence of the USA, to which the United Kingdom granted the use of its ports in South America, including those located in Guyana, already during the Second World War, has never ceased, given the strong continuity of the existing special relationship between the two countries.

A hot topic, as we can see, in the context of the world crisis and the dispute between North American imperialism and the field of forces that instead moves from a multicentric and multipolar world around China, and in which Bolivarian Venezuela is located. . An issue that also concerns the relations of solidarity that Cuba and Venezuela establish with the Caribbean countries in the context of Caricom, an organization in which the United States has been trying to influence for a long time. Guyana is a member of Unasur, Celac and an associate of Mercosur. 

In the Essequibo - which covers a territorial extension of 159 thousand 500 km2 -, the interests at stake are gigantic, both from the point of view of biodiversity and natural resources -bauxite, gold, diamonds, manganese, and also uranium reserves. , oil, gas- as from the geopolitical.

If imperialism gets its hands on the disputed area once and for all, it could block Venezuela's access to the Atlantic seaboard, where commercial heavy crude oil exits, and put the country's economic security at risk. The Essequibo is also a matter of security for the nation, and for this reason the Minister of Defense was also at the side of the executive vice president.

In this sense, the Special Commission for the Defense of the Territory of Guayana Esequiba was established, chaired by Deputy Hermánn Escarrá and with William Fariñas as First Vice President. The Special Commission continues its work, both at the international legal level and at the territorial level: to raise awareness of the importance of the issue through "street parliamentarianism", as well as to inform the populations surrounding the Essequibo, in Bolívar and Sucre. The slogan remains the same: "The sun of Venezuela is born in the Essequibo."

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