Bridge: June 15, 2022

Bridge: June 15, 2022 [ad_1]

“I will not say my ancestors had been procrastinators, but they came in excess of on the Juneflower.” — graffiti.

When you should choose how to assault a fit, to procrastinate might be greatest. Delay your guess right up until you know extra about how the playing cards lie.

In a crew match, both of those Souths played at 3NT, and West led the jack of hearts. At a single desk, South received in dummy and led a diamond to his jack, getting rid of to West’s queen. South then had eight tricks but, as the playing cards lay, no way to win one more.


The second South was in no hurry to guess in diamonds. He procrastinated by successful the first heart in his hand and leading the nine of clubs. On a lucky working day he could possibly have set up extra club tricks.

As an alternative, West showed out, and East won and returned a heart. South gained and suspected that West, void in clubs, experienced diamond length. So South came to his hand and allow the jack of diamonds experience. He handed the 10, took dummy’s ace and got back again to his hand to money the king of diamonds for his ninth trick.

Day by day Dilemma

You maintain: S A 7 3 2 H Q 6 4 D K J 10 9 C A 9. The supplier, at your right, opens one particular club. You double, and your partner bid two hearts. The opponents go. What do you say?

Response: Partner’s soar-response (the contemporary expression immediately after you have doubled and requested him to bid is “advance”) promises about 10 points and invitations video game. Since you have minimum values for your double and only three cards in hearts, go. You would bid sport with A 7 3 2, Q 6 4 2, A K 10 9, 9.

South supplier

Both sides vulnerable


S J 6

H A K 9

D A 4 2

C Q 8 5 4 3


S K 10 8 5

H J 10 8 2

D Q 8 7 6 3

C None


S Q 9 4

H 7 5 3

D 5

C K J 10 7 6 2


S A 7 3 2

H Q 6 4

D K J 10 9

C A 9

South West North East
1 D Go 2 C Pass
2 NT Move 3 NT All Go
Opening direct — H J

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