Wooden noisemakers: an ancient Easter tradition that dates back to medieval Europe

The Czechs are reviving a very old Easter tradition: that of wooden noisemakers.

Participants, dressed in black outfits and white masks, march through the southern town of Ceske Budejovice.

From Thursday to Holy Saturday, they march in procession, armed with large and noisy rattles, to replace the bells and announce the Angelus. This particular noise aims to chase away evil spirits and bring joy and hope!

It was Vita Marsik, director, who introduced this practice to Ceske Budejovice years ago. At the time, he was only accompanied by a small handful of friends. For him, Passion Week is above all a time of meditation and prayer.

During the march, the cross of Jesus is carried. It is a symbol that denounces human faults such as hatred, laziness and envy. This very special day ends in the square where the crucifixes are erected in memory of the Stations of the Cross.

This tradition, which dates back to the Middle Ages, is also present in certain towns in eastern France!

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