The president of the Senate reveals that in 2020 it was said: "we have to raise our arms"

La Paz, April 9, 2023 (ANF).- The president of the Senate, Andrónico Rodríguez, revealed that the message in 2020 was to "raise arms" and shout "armed revolution" because the Movement for Socialism (MAS) saw it as very difficult to win the general election.

“In the tropics (of Cochabamba) I wish Commander Che (Guevara) had passed through here at this time (2020), we have to raise our arms, we have to shout armed revolution because we are not going to win elections that easily. The people were clear that it was very difficult to win in elections, even if we won having all the power they could direct in their favor”, recalled the president of the Senate.

The authority participated in the inaugural Panel of the South American Meeting of Emerging Leaderships 'Building the Future', organized by the Center for Collective Course Thought, in Chile.

Parliamentary authorities, activists, politicians from various countries Colombia, Uruguay, Ecuador, Brazil and Peru participated in said event, with the aim of exchanging criteria on social justice, economy, democracy and regional integration within the framework of a new cycle of governments of left.

He reported that the election date that year was postponed over and over again due to the rise in Covid-19 cases, until the MAS decided to mobilize and in August the final date was set for the elections to be held in October.

The popular vote in those elections was in favor of the MAS, so Luis Arce and David Choquehuanca assumed the presidency and vice presidency of the State. "In a year, what was taken from us by force we recovered in democracy," he said.

The president of the Senate reviewed the events that have occurred since the resignation of former president Evo Morales, which was, he said, as a result of a "right-wing revolt."

“We got up from that time, now I don't have the peace of mind like before, the stability of a social life. They tell me all year long, if Evo isn't there, you are. We have to unify the MAS again, we have to unify the left in Bolivia again, ”he maintained.

After the resignation of the ex-president, the supporters of the MAS mobilized haranguing "civil war", the groups descended from the city of El Alto in a scenario of political uncertainty.

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